As crises arising from terrorism, civil war, and natural disasters dominate world news it is no surprise that security and crisis management - including the perception of risk - is at the top of the global societal and governance agenda.

During the?Crisis and Security Management program offered by the Leiden University, you will study contemporary security challenges from both local and global points of view and gain deep understanding of the ?wicked problem? of security and crisis topics in a complex and globalising world. The combination of theory, practical insights and analytical skills prepares you for work in public or private organisations.


The combination of academic and professional skills taught in the CSM prepares you for a wide variety of careers in the rapidly expanding domain of security and crisis management, including public or private sector and policy-making positions.

Skills after graduation

Graduates of CSM will be active on strategic positions in the security domain or a crisis-related field. They will analyse and discuss security challenges and write policies or reports on a variety of security topics. In the private sector, graduates of CSM may consult or advise others on a range of security challenges and how to address them. Graduates may also continue as an academic or researcher in the security domain or their topic of interest.