What does this master's programme entail?

The Astronomy and Data Science master?s programme is built on world-class computational astrophysics research as well as hightech industry expertise. It covers a wide range of research areas studying complex astronomical phenomena, including radiative transfer, computation of dynamical internal galaxy structures and hydrodynamical modeling of galaxy formation and evolution of the intergalactic medium.

Reasons to choose Astronomy and Data Science at Leiden University

  • Combine advanced Astronomy courses with relevant courses from the Computer Science programme at Leiden University.
  • You have access to sophisticated computational facilities ranging from local computer clusters to high-performance systems at national and international computing centers.
  • The ever-increasing amount of data generated worldwide perfectly fits your knowledge and skills, offering excellent career opportunities.?

Astronomy and Data Science: the right master?s programme for you?

Will you be mastering the world?s future data? Are you looking for a career in Astronomy and/or Computer Science, within or outside academia? Then our unique Astronomy and Data Science master?s specialisation offers you numerous opportunities to assemble your own path in this direction.