The? programme offered by??aims to cultivate diverse expertise on law and governance of the internet and digital technologies. Coursework will focus on regulatory theory (internet governance and techno-regulation) as well as national and international law (hard law, soft law and case law). You will take part in additional relevant projects, such as negotiating IT contracts and a cybercrime experiment. The programme is completed by writing a final thesis.Reasons to choose Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University?

As a student of the Law and Digital Technologies programme, you will benefit from:

  • Multidisciplinary learning: You will develop expertise on the law and governance of the internet and digital technologies, focusing on regulatory theory (internet governance and techno-regulation) as well as national and international law (hard law, soft law and case law).
  • Excellent reputation: Leiden Law School has developed its reputation for excellence by combining a high level of academic teaching with acclaimed and innovative research. Its tradition of quality attracts prestigious professors and professionals from around the world who teach you in a challenging and supportive atmosphere.
  • International environment: In addition to the international focus of the curriculum, the unique blend of students and instructors that represent all continents makes our programme a truly global experience.


The Law and Digital Technology programme prepares you for a variety of successful careers in an ever-advancing global field.

Becoming a graduate of Leiden?s Law and Digital Technologies Advanced Studies programme will provide you with many opportunities for positions in a wide range of national and international organisations.

Our alumni have gone on to careers at:

  • international law firms
  • tech companies
  • the judiciary
  • governmental institutions
  • NGOs
  • academic and research institutions