Through Leiden University College the Hague, Liberal Arts and Sciences - Global Challenges you learn to face the complexity, diversity and dynamism of a globalised society through the development of rigorous academic skills and compassionate citizenship. You gain a broad array of core knowledge, as well as acquiring in-depth specialisation with distinctive, interdisciplinary themes.

Intensive and student-centred

Besides the programme?s distinctive focus on Global Challenges, the educational concept of?LUC?also offers:

  • An intensive and small-scale educational model (no more than 20 students per class).
  • Dynamic didactical methods: presentations, discussions, group work, papers, assignments, moot courts and case studies are used often.
  • A dedicated?LUC?faculty of internationally trained, research-active teaching staff also serve as tutors, who follow and guide your academic and personal development across the three-year?LUC?programme.