If you enjoy searching for engineering solutions for all sorts of contemporary problems and want to lay a broad foundation for this, the?Mechanical Engineering programme offered by University of Twente (UT)?is probably right up your street. A mechanical engineer designs, improves and maintains machines, buildings or processes. Although mechanical engineering is one of the oldest disciplines, you will discover that today?s modern technologies are all connected with, and depending on, mechanical engineering.?

As a mechanical engineer you may eventually find yourself in any of a wide range of sectors and positions, from civil and aeronautical engineering to biomedical sciences or nano-technology.

During the Bachelor's programme Mechanical Engineering at Twente you will learn to apply fundamental knowledge in socially relevant solutions. Connecting theory and practice is central to our programme. One way in which we do this is working on projects. In a project, you will work with a team of fellow students on applying the theory you have learned in classes and lectures.


With a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Twente you will find the world at your feet. The chances of getting a well-paid job are excellent , as highly educated engineers with insight into social issues will always be in high demand on the job market.?

You will be able to find many different positions in a wide range of sectors, such as machine and apparatus construction, the automobile and aircraft industry, the chemical or electro technical industry. Even areas like the healthcare sector see opportunities for innovation by taking on engineers. You will be equipped to work wherever high-tech solutions based on a keen understanding of human and social needs are required.

Many Master's graduates quickly find jobs in leadership positions, for example at the production or development departments of large companies. In project teams, it is often the mechanical engineers who take on the role of technical specialist and team leader. You might also work at a research institute, such as TNO, NLR or MARIN, or at an engineering company. There you might engage in activities like designing and developing equipment, machines, advanced constructions, production systems and processes that will make a difference in the real world.