Designing and making molecules with high specificity is a key competence in chemistry. Engineers with a solid molecular background play a prominent role in developing and improving chemical systems ranging from novel catalysts to biomedical materials.?These engineers work at the frontiers of science,?learning the rules that govern chemical self-assembly and?applying them?to new areas like organic solar cells and responsive materials.??

As a polymer scientist you will work on?developing?novel or existing materials and processes. This includes the synthesis, characterization and properties of polymeric materials as well as processing into?a?final product or device.?Within the track, you can choose to focus on polymer?chemistry, polymer technology, or materials and coatings technology.?

Materials are everywhere and influence the whole world around us.?In our department, we focus our?materials science and technology?research on polymers.?Polymers are used in?applications?as diverse?as packaging, protective coatings,?insulation materials, clothing, furniture, building materials and the biomedical field. By designing polymer materials,?you design everyday life.??


The ?programme offered by??prepares you for a varied career and gives you broad options when you face the job market. For example, you could work as a researcher, a research team leader, a process or product engineer, an environmental advisor, policy assistant? or lecturer. Many managers working in the chemicals industry have a background in chemical engineering. In trade and industry you can start work in a job in which your organizational, coordinating and supervisory qualities are required. Governments, too, employ numerous chemical engineers. For example in environmental services and water boards, and in healthcare. You will even find our graduates in design consultancies and patent offices.