Modern technology has become an inextricable part of clinical practice. Doctors use modern equipment and surgery techniques and rely on clinical decision support systems to diagnose and treat patients. It would not be possible to use all this state-of-the-art technology in clinical settings without engineers to interpret, develop and apply the new techniques in a patient-oriented manner.

The??is offered by ?in collaboration with Maastricht University and MUMC+.


With your way of thinking and your skills, you have the perfect background to find a job as (bio)medical engineer.?People in the world are getting older and older. This increases the demand for innovative biomedical solutions. Expectations are that the demand for biomedical engineers will stay in the job market. After acquiring a Master's degree in Biomedical or Medical Engineering, there is a broad perspective in job offers. Besides becoming a researcher, you could for example become a developer, project manager, teacher, consultant or business developer.

Graduates can work among others at universities, in hospitals, in pharmaceutical companies or engineering companies.