A?very broad discipline, mechanical engineering is?about?conceiving, designing, analyzing, making and improving mechanical products, processes and systems. From large scale?all the way down?to nanometer level. This is only possible if you have a?good?understanding of the latest technological developments?and?the ability to place your own work in a social context.??

If this?appeals?to you, then the?Mechanical?Engeering?programme offered by? is?for you.?

When you start the Master?of??program,?you?must?immediately choose one of the department's?specialization?tracks,?representing?our?different?areas of?research.?

  • Computational and Experimental Mechanics?
  • Dynamical Systems Design?
  • Thermo Fluids Engineering?
  • Micro-?and Nano-technology?

While?the specialization you choose?will be the main focus of your master?s degree, the program is designed to ensure that you?can?also?delve into?other areas, and to enable you to continue your development on a broad basis.?


Almost all graduates quickly find the job they?are looking for in business and industry, as a designer, an engineer or a project leader. Some start up their own company. For others, the research in the department proves to be so interesting that they decide to carry out their own doctoral research. But, of course, your career choice is not limited to the?specialization?that you?selected?during your?master's program.??