Digitization and automation are driving rapid change in the manufacturing industry. The whole chain of products, machines, factories, warehouses and customers, or the Internet of Things, is now able to share and exchange information. To fully exploit this network of information for more effective and efficient production, the manufacturing systems engineer of the future needs to have knowledge of the whole chain: from the technology inside the machine up to the level of supply chains.?

The ?programme offered by??is a joint master's program of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences which can be studied as a special track in either the Mechanical Engineering master's program or the Operations Management & Logistics master's program. After graduation you receive the degree of Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering on the diploma of the master's program Mechanical Engineering in the former case and on the diploma of Operations Management and Logistics in the latter.


The master's program Manufacturing Systems Engineering provides the right combination of technological knowledge of high-tech production systems and knowledge of production processes and supply chains. It shows how to apply this knowledge effectively at both system and network level. In other words: an excellent basis for a directing role in the high-tech manufacturing industry!