Technological development?can?make people's?daily?lives healthier and?safer,?as well as more?understandable, independent, fun and comfortable.?New technologies provide us with new means of communication and entertainment;?and ways to make life more sustainable to protect the planet for future generations.?But for these technologies to be?really successful, people need to use them properly as well as trust, accept and adopt them.??

The Human-Technology?Interaction?programme offered by??provides fundamental knowledge of the psychological sciences covering basic themes such as perception, cognition, communication, motivation and attitudes. This knowledge is then applied to a technological domain of your choice. For?example,?Information and Communication Technology (ICT), sustainable energy,?or the built environment.?

The program focuses on new opportunities and problems arising from these rapidly changing technological domains.?You will need a thorough understanding of?technology,?therefore?a substantial part of the?program?consists?of engineering courses in the area of your interest.?

After completing the program,?you will be able to assess the viability of new technological developments in relation to human constraints and capabilities. This knowledge will enable you to play an important role in the design of new technologies?by putting?the user in a central position.?


Specialists in human-technology interaction are in demand by?academic, governmental and private organizations, where they work in?research, development?or?consultancy. As a graduate of this program, you can find opportunities in areas such as?telecommunications, sustainable energy, consumer electronics, the printing industry, the aviation and automotive industries or financial companies.?Many of our graduates go on to work for companies like?Philips, DAF, Oc??and KPN, as well as universities?and (international) research institutes such as TNO.?