The healthcare market is an increasingly important?consumer of technological and,?especially,?electrical engineering applications.?These range from the?complex and specialist equipment in hospitals, such as MRI scanners, to the?small gadgets and tools that enable people to continue living in their own home environments for longer, such as a wireless alarm system. Between these two extremes lie countless applications such as pacemakers, monitors of all sorts of biological signals, diagnostic equipment and resources used in the curative process.?

The development of these applications is the subject of the??programme offered by?. This is a highly dynamic field which?integrates?knowledge in the fields of electrical engineering, mathematics,?computer science, physics,?and biology.?


The Care and Cure field is multifaceted. It encompasses research, development and the manufacture of components, equipment, materials and systems. Moreover, it comprises both hardware and software, electronics, signal processing, energy technology and electromagnetism. The commercial operation of applications also falls within the field. You can, for example, work for a manufacturer of medical equipment, for a hospital or for a service provider.

Employment is similarly easy to find outside the immediate Care and Cure sector: within a couple of months on average graduates in Electrical Engineering have found a job, almost always at university level. Starting salaries are high.