A?high-quality built environment?needs to?do?more than?serve?one?specific group of users, it?must also?serve humanity and?the?environment.?The building industry needs to?provide?innovative answers that can help markets and governments move towards an appropriate model for future development without?abandoning?the wealth?of knowledge it has?built up.??

The ?programme offered by??is one of?four?optional?tracks?within?the?Architecture, Building and Planning?master?s?program.?You have the flexibility?to tailor?your?studies to your own interests. In addition,?the?AUDE?program?offers?different?qualification options. You can qualify to register as an:?

  • Architect?
  • Urban designer?
  • Architect and urban designer?


Around the world, there is continuous demand for architectural engineers. A Master of?Architecture, Building and Planning?gives you an excellent general basis for a career in construction. Depending on your choice of track and other options, you will be given tasks in?design, consulting, management, administrative and?/?or research, providing valuable experience for a career in any of these areas.?

After finishing your master?s, you can choose to follow?our two-year?Smart Building and Cities?PDEng?program?as a trainee technology designer.?We also offer four-year doctorate programs that provide?a sound basis for a scientific career.?