The Software Technology?programme offered by?Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)?is an accredited and challenging two-year, Bologna Third-cycle (doctorate-level equivalent to EQF level 8) engineering degree program during which its trainees focus on strengthening their technical and non-technical competencies related to the effective and efficient design and development of software for resource-constrained software-intensive systems, such as real-time embedded or distributed systems, in an industrial setting. In particular we focus on large-scale project-based design and development of this kind of software.

The various parts of our PDEng degree program aid to develop the capability of individuals to work within a professional context. It advocates a scientific research based approach to solving problems, a systematic way of collecting evidence and a critical, reflective, and independent mind for the analysis and interpretation of evidence.

It adds an additional dimension to a full MSc program by extending it and integrating it with new elements. The emphasis is on developing and strengthening (exercising) the competencies necessary for finding technical solutions. For finding such solutions an effective collaboration with representatives of different domains is inevitable and this is practiced during the program. During our program our PDEng trainees focus on systems architecting and designing software for software-intensive systems in multiple application domains for the High Tech Industry.


More than 400?trainees successfully finished the Software Technology program since its foundation. A large majority started and proceeded their career in the Netherlands, especially in the Eindhoven Brainport Area. From software architect to entrepreneur, an ST graduate has many career choices.

Our alumni demonstrate that the diploma enhances the career opportunities. Industry offers engineers from our program excellent jobs, because they know that our graduates have gained superb qualities. Most graduates find jobs like software or system designer, (senior) software architect, and in the long term, system architect.