plays a role in everything involving electricity and magnetism. For instance, in the development of electrical motors for cars or the design of the very latest wireless chips for cell phones. Electrical Engineering is crucial in almost every modern technology: from reading information on a DVD to signal processing in medical equipment. At TU/e, for instance, we focus on wireless energy transfer. What does that mean for the future? Suppose the battery of your cell phone or tablet is always fully charged, then you won?t need a separate charger. And you can use your TV anywhere because you won?t have to plug it in!

The Electrical Engineering?programme offered by??is working on the future and this is evident in the field?s applications. This is why the study is geared to three societal themes that you become familiar with in the first year:

  • Communication (The Connected World): such as a chip that works using light rather than electric signals, Bluetooth or WiFi
  • Healthcare (Care and Cure): medical applications such as an MRI scanner or treating cancer cells using electromagnetic waves
  • Environment (Smart and Sustainable Society): finite resources like oil and gas will eventually become exhausted. Alternatives are sun and wind. But the wind does not blow constantly. How can you store energy? How can you store electricity?


There is a strong need for academic engineers in the field of electrical engineering. The TU/e is the perfect place for starting your career, since the Eindhoven region, also known as Brainport, is the technological heart of the Netherlands. The region accounts for a third of all Dutch private R&D expenditure and is one of Europe?s top three regions in terms of patent density. The region is home to companies like Philips, ASML, NXP, VDL, VanDerLande, TomTom, Oc?/Canon and DAF. In addition, the region hosts many small high-tech companies and research institutes. Or you could decide to start your own company. During your study you will be able to contact one or more of the companies in our region, for example by doing an internship. The starting salaries are in the top 5 of best starting salaries.