During the?Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences programme from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), you will develop a broad base to become an engineer in AUBS. Design assignments will help you understand the connection between the different disciplines. Furthermore, you will discover what areas suit you best and in which discipline you want to specialize from the second year on. In the third year, you will learn to combine all disciplines in multidisciplinary project groups.


There is constant demand for engineers, both in the Netherlands and abroad. The?Bachelor in?Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences?program offers a broad base as an engineer in this vital area. Graduates find career opportunities in?government, architectural firms, contractors,?the?supply industry, housing associations, research institutes and education.?Depending on your interests, your work could encompass?design, consultancy, management, administration and research.?

Many of our graduates?choose to?continue their studies in one?of our master?s programs: These programs?allow you to become an architect, building physics consultant, structural engineer, project manager or real estate manager.