The Master of Science programme in Computer Engineering:

  •  The program provides you with the skills that are needed in order to design, develop and use software and hardware for computer systems.
  • The courses in the programme address the three different aspects of computer engineering: software design, hardware design and the integration of the two. Understanding the theories that underlie system software will help you to create software designs.
  • Big data and cloud computing, multicore processors, heterogeneous accelerators, parallel computing are all emerging technologies that are crucial in many domains like the economic sectors, but also increasingly in the medical domain.
  • As a future computer engineer, you will be contributing to the design of systems and computational platforms. You will make sure that the requirements of particular applications are optimally supported, by selecting the right combination of hardware and software architectures for satisfying specific constraints with regard to performance, power and cost.
  • You will learn about modern computer architectures and networks and how to explain processors and their ability to perform their calculations, in addition to suggesting methods for optimising these calculations.
  • The processor design project challenges you to optimise your own processors for specific applications with given optimisation targets (e.g. high speed or low power). The purpose of this hands-on project is to achieve optimum system performance that meets the design criteria.