• Embedded systems are hardware/software systems built into devices that are not necessarily recognised as computerised devices, but these systems do control the functionality and perceived quality of these devices.
  • Some specific examples of embedded systems include controllers for systems within a car; the automatic pilot of an aircraft; the chipset and software for smartphones, tablets and smart TVs; wireless sensor networks for ambient intelligence, a pacemaker; and control systems embedded in robots/ mechatronic machines.
  • The growth rate in the embedded systems industry is more than 10% per annum and, according to forecasts, there will be more than 40 billion devices worldwide by 2020.
  • The Embedded Systems programme is a 3TU programme. The three leading universities of technology in the Netherlands - Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology and the University of Twente - developed a strong programme. The 3TU federation maximizes innovation by combining and concentrating the strengths of all three universities in research, education and knowledge transfer.