In preparing engineers for a truly global sector, one of the goals of the programme is to train professionals to be resourceful problem solvers, who are capable of collaborating with colleagues across cultural divides. In simple terms, Aerospace engineering is a discipline concerning flying machineries ranging from missiles to aircrafts too spacecraft, it comprises learning, designing, and production of the same It has two major branches-aeronautical and astronautical engineering.

  • For students pursuing MSc in Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft, they are posed with the options of six tracks to choose from. These are-Aerodynamics and wind energy, Aerospace structure and wind material, Control and operation, flight performance and propulsion, space flight and EWEM; rotor design.
  •  A track is a general field of Aerospace Engineering(discipline) and a profile is more of expertise(specialisation) in the same discipline.
  • The master programme Aerospace Engineering has a common outline for all tracks.
  • Each comprises a core, profile and elective courses, literature study, an internship and the MSc thesis. The study load differs per track and profile.