The Applied earth sciences program integrates fundamental knowledge with applied technology. You learn how to approach issues related to the challenges of energy production, raw materials technology and geo-engineering in an imaginative and resourceful manner. In gaining practical experience to complement your academic studies, you have the opportunity to work intensively with TU Delft’s partners in the industry. The programme has six different tracks. These tracks are-Applied geophysics, Environmental engineering, European mining course, ego-energy engineering, geo-engineering, Geo-science and remote sensing. Each track has a compulsory core programme, but you can choose your own path for about half of the programme by selecting elective courses and defining the research topic for your final thesis.

Our ambition is to enable you to learn how to apply your knowledge from science, technology, engineering, mathematics and geology in order to understand and solve the complex challenges from the Applied Earth Science field. While doing this there are ample opportunities for you to prepare for a career in industry or in science.