• Bioinformatics and Systems Biology is a joint degree Master's program from VU Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The program teaches students to combine molecular and cell biology, computer science, and mathematical modeling to integrate vast amounts of biological data into a fundamental understanding of life at the molecular level.
  • During the program, students will develop skills in scientific research and a high level of abstraction and quantitative thinking. Students will learn to apply and combine rapid developments in different research fields and obtain an interdisciplinary mindset with many transferrable skills. 
  • The Master’s is a two-year program taught in English. The program offers two thematic specializations:
    • Bioinformatics
    • Systems Biology
  • Bioinformatics deals with large-scale data analysis, like DNA-sequencing experiments. Programming, algorithms, and machine learning are important elements. Bioinformatics is extensively used within the field of biomedicine, but also in many other areas of molecular biology. 
  • Systems Biology encompasses modeling large biological networks, in combination with experiments to probe the system. Mathematical modeling, structured large-scale experiments, and statistical analysis are important elements in the specialization. Systems Biology is extensively used in bioengineering and biomedicine.