Are students looking for excellent expertise in linguistics, coupled with a challenging specialization in newly developing research fields that are fundamentally relevant to today’s society? The Linguistics track trains students as professional linguistic researchers, specialized in either Human Language Technology or Forensic Linguistics.

1. Human Language Technology

Human Language Technology is a young and rapidly evolving research field that holds a unique position between linguistics and computer science. Nowadays, a firm background in language technology and the ability to process large data sets are extremely valuable tools in linguistic research. As a student of this track, they will get acquainted with the essential large computational linguistic resources, learn to program in Python for linguistics, and develop skills in Natural Language Programming (NLP) and machine learning. Through this intensive research program, they’ll become a true professional in human language technology.

The track is offered by the Computational Lexicology and Terminology Lab, an internationally acclaimed research group in computational linguistics. 

2. Forensic Linguistics

Forensic Linguistics is a new and exciting field, which has both a narrow and a broad definition. In its more specific sense, it’s about the use of linguistic evidence in the courtroom. In its broader sense, it refers to all areas of overlap between language and the law, including the language used in legal or quasi-legal settings by judges, lawyers, witnesses, police officers, interpreters, and others. As a graduate of this track, students will have the theoretical background and practical casework experience to be able to analyze disputed texts, recognize a 'language crime' such as bribery or threatening communication, and identify participants in the police station or courtroom who are at a linguistic disadvantage, and therefore vulnerable to miscarriages of justice.