• During the Archaeology program, students analyze the origins of archaeological finds by studying the scholarly literature and conducting field research. students learn to pinpoint the age of an object using advanced scientific techniques, and students deepen their understanding of the lifestyle and environment of different groups of people. Archaeology opens up new worlds for students.
  • The Bachelor’s pays attention to the study of earthenware, glass, metal, and other materials, the relationship between people and the landscape, and the presentation of research results in various media. The program is unique in the Netherlands for its focus on the whole of Europe: both the Mediterranean area and Central and Western Europe, including naturally, the Netherlands and Amsterdam.
  • Students acquire a strong foundation of knowledge about archaeology in Europe, then zoom in on the historical periods and geographical areas that interest them the most. students take courses and work together with students from the other ACASA programs: Ancient Studies and Greek & Latin Language & Culture. students also do fieldwork placements in the Netherlands, Italy, and Greece. 
  • The Archaeology program is offered in collaboration between the two Amsterdam universities, VU Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam (UvA). All lectures are delivered on the UvA campus in the city center, next to the Allard Pierson Museum. 
  • This program is offered online due to the ongoing pandemic.