• The MA specialization program History: Religion and Society focuses on understanding the changing role of religion(s) in society from Antiquity until the present. Students will explore questions such as:
    • How has the relationship between religion, politics, and society changed over time?
    • How can we understand the gradual separation of Church and State and new forms of worship, dissent and devotion that have developed since the western Middle Ages?
    • What has been the impact of broader processes such as secularisation, globalisation and colonialism?
  • History: Religion and Society focuses on the role of religion in Europe and beyond, including the Mediterranean World and the Middle East. Students will develop a thorough understanding of the relationship between religion, society, and politics from Antiquity until the ‘War on Terror. Students will cover dominant and minority religions, ranging from Judaism and Christianity to Islam and Eastern religions. Students will also study the history of the Reformations and Protestantism in Europe and the Netherlands and will be introduced to relevant collections, including important ones at VU Amsterdam. Student's discussions will link to topics that are socially relevant today, such as clashes between religion and secularism, the entangled relations between politics and religion, and the future of religious heritage.