The Bachelor of Psychology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam focuses on the intersection between health, behavioral patterns, and ways of thinking. How do these differ from one person to the next, and how we can influence them? 

Human behavior in all its forms is endlessly fascinating.

During the Psychology program, students gain a deeper understanding of human behavior and how to change it. The degree qualifies you as a junior psychologist with a solid knowledge foundation. Students also acquire research skills, such as designing different types of studies and analyzing statistical data. Is our behavior really driven by free will—what do you think?

In the Bachelor’s program in Psychology, students take a scientific approach to unraveling the challenges we face as people. The program is demanding and the lectures call for active participation. Students are constantly challenged to get the best out of themselves and to reflect critically on their observations and opinions. In the first two years, they acquire a solid foundation of knowledge and subsequently choose the specialization that suits them best: Clinical Psychology; Social and Organisational Psychology; Biological and Cognitive Psychology; or Psychopathology, Prevention, and Health. Everything is focused on the student's future—and as a psychologist, a student's future is as versatile as it is bright. 

The Bachelor of Psychology was ranked second best, compared to other Psychology programs at Dutch universities, according to the Keuzegids 2021. De Keuzegids is an independent online tool for prospective students to compare studies of different universities. It gives prospective students an overview of which university scores highest on various topics, such as study facilities, scientific training, quality of lecturers and lecturers, and study counseling. Data used to rank studies for Keuzegids was taken from the NSE, a national survey among current students.