• During the Bachelor of Economics and Business Economics, students study the many different facets of economic systems. Students gain insight into how people, companies, and governments behave, from the choices of individual consumers to decisions on a global scale.
  • Social themes play a major role in the Bachelor’s program in Economics and Business Economics. Consumers, managers, civil servants—they all make decisions that influence society and the prosperity of everyone who lives in it. In this program, students learn to address thorny economic dilemmas. How can students make decisions that lead to the most optimal results? And what does optimal really mean in this context?
  • The Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Economics is a broad and relatively small-scale study program. All courses are in English. Students benefit from direct and personal contact with their teachers and from interactive lectures. At all times, students are challenged to get the best out of themselves.
  • Students learn to identify the mechanisms underlying various economic phenomena in a country, region, or organization. Students also investigate the steps needed to bring about different economic objectives. With this knowledge, students are well-placed to advise consumers, companies, and government agencies in their decision-making processes.