• Artificial Intelligence is about the way that robots and computers interact with humans. And because of that, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’s program looks at real-world issues in society and applies technology to solve not just specific individual problems but whole classes of problems. 
  • VU Amsterdam’s Artificial Intelligence program is unique in that they offer two separate tracks that specialize in the two different sides of Artificial Intelligence. Whether students choose the Intelligent Systems track or the Socially Aware Computing track, students will get a thorough understanding of how AI applies in this world. So that means not just delving into the code that powers machine learning but also looking at the psychology behind the ways we use AI and the social impact of technological solutions.
  • VU Amsterdam’s research specializes in “Humane AI” or “Hybrid AI”: the premise being that the combination of human and machine intelligence is greater than the sum of its part. Students will start with the social context in which a technological system needs to function, and then develops algorithms that work within that context. This is a truly interdisciplinary program: information science meets social science.