Our EMBA Program is the first EMBA program in Hong Kong and remains a truly made-in-Hong Kong product. It was initially offered by the CUHK Business School in 1993. Time flies. This year, the program marches forth into its 22nd year.

We aim to maintain our ability of nurturing top-notch management talents to meet the needs of Hong Kong, the mainland and the world. We follow CUHK?s global vision and mission "to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West? as our motto. We formed the ?six pillars? (Theories, Practices, Internal Network, External Network, Strategic Perspectives and Social Contribution) as our program?s core value to enhance the well-being of the business community and society. We keep on being innovative to keep pace with the dynamics of the marketplace.

To enhance relevancy and practicality for quality teaching, we partnered with our faculty members to have successfully developed two case studies entitled ?TSL Jewellery: An Innovator Across Generations? and ?Hung Fook Tong?s Chinese Herbal Beverage and Food: From Hong Kong to China.? The TSL Jewellery case was eventually published by the Ivey Publishing and is also currently available at the Harvard Business Publishing website. Annie Yau Tse, Chairman and CEO of Tse Sui Luen, and Ricky Szeto, General Manager of the Hung Fook Tong Group, were also respectively invited to the classroom to share their insights and discuss the real business case of the companies with the students.

Since 2002, we have been running the ?Talking to CEOs? and the ?New Thinking in Management? TV/radio programs as well as the EMBA Forum series. Distinguished leaders, academics and government officials were invited to these programs to share their experience and insights with the alumni and students. These programs have been conducted for more than 700 times over the years. To reach a broader audience, these broadcasts, as well as the content of our forums, conferences, seminars, etc., are published regularly in books, newspapers and magazines. Some of the published books have been converted to e-books so the public can access them easily.

To help students develop a global perspective and interact with senior executives in different parts of the world, we frequently organize overseas study trips. This past summer, the graduating class attended the global study trip in Sweden and current students completed a five-day intensive program at the University of Oxford.

We partnered with the EMBA Programs of Peking University and the National Taiwan University to conduct the ?Greater China EMBA Elite Study Week?, which was the first of its kind conducted worldwide. We strategically provided a platform for the three groups of EMBA students in Greater China to interact and develop friendships.

Executives nowadays have to travel frequently to the mainland and overseas or stay abroad for a long period. In order to suit their traveling schedules, our classes are offered on Saturdays and Sundays (two consecutive days) so that students only need to attend class normally once every two to three weeks.