• Art is much more than simply paintings hanging in a museum. Art also includes the history of these works, the uniqueness of the brushwork or the reproduction of styles that existed hundreds of years ago. Art is not just painting but includes architecture, monuments, statues, photography and dance. Above all, art is incredibly varied.
  • An overview of all the subjects that can be taken in combination with subject Ancient Civilization Studies by students who started their B.A. degree programme in the winter semester 2013/14 or later:
  • Archaeological Sciences , Business Administration , Educational Science and Education Management , English and American Studies , Cultural and Social Anthropology , Cultural Anthropology and European Anthropology , French , Geography , German Studies: German Literature , Islamic Studies , Italian , Jewish Studies , Catalan , Catholic-Theological Studies , Cognitive Science , Musicology , Philosophy , Political Science , Portuguese , Psychology , Sinology , Scandinavian Studies , Slavic studies , Sociology , Spanish , German Linguistics , Economics , Ancient Near Eastern Studies.