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CENTAC 2022 Counselling (Round 3 - Started), Merit List, Dates, Cut Off and Admissions

CENTAC 2022: CENTAC has released the guidelines for NEET UG BDS, BAMs, BVs (National SS & NRI) mop-up counselling. The counselling process is scheduled to be conducted on December 16, 2022. The round 3 counselling process for non-NEET courses of CENTAC 2022 was started on December 2, 2022. The list of vacant seats of Round 3 CENTAC 2022 counseling for non-NEET courses has been released. Candidates can check the list at the official website – centacpuducherry.in. CENTAC Mop-Up Counselling round for PG Dental admission under government quota seats and management quota seats was conducted on November 19, 2022. 

CENTAC offers admission to various courses and accordingly, the eligibility criteria for admission to all the courses varies. Aspirants should go through the eligibility criteria carefully before proceeding ahead. Check CENTAC 2022 Eligibility
  • For admissions to law courses through CENTAC 2022 Admission, applicants are required to submit a different form.
  • Applicants can register for more than one course in a single CENTAC Application Form, except for Law courses by choosing the same on the official website.
  • A separate merit list is prepared by CENTAC for admissions into various courses based on candidates’ merit scores. 
  • Document verification and seat allocation for CENTAC will be done through the centralized counseling process. Check CENTAC 2022 Counselling

What is CENTAC?

CENTAC is a state-level admissions process conducted by the Centralised Admission Committee (CENTAC), Government of Puducherry for admissions into various Engineering, Pharmacy, and Medical Programmes various government and private institutions across the state. Applicants are shortlisted by their merit scores and the accepted entrance exam scores. Admissions through CENTAC is confirmed through counselling. Admissions through CENTAC are done through merit scores and scores of the accepted entrance exam. Applicants of other states may be required to have valid JEE Main, NEET, or other accepted entrance exams. Seats are allotted on the basis of cut-off declared by CENTAC for various institutions and the respective courses they offer.

CENTAC Recent Updates

CENTAC 2022 Updates

CENTAC 2022 Counselling Mop-Up round is scehduled for November 19, 2022 .Certain gerneral points that candidates participating in mop-up round need to remember are discussed below:

  • Candidates willing to participate in this round must pay registration fees of Rs. 1000 and attach payment proof through their dashboard login.
  • Candidates need to submit proof of fee payment using the link given in the dashboard before 16th November 2022, 6.00 pm, failing which the candidates will not be considered for allotment.
  • Candidates who joined up to the 2nd Round through AIQ/State Counselling are not allowed to participate in Mop-up counselling as per the NMC Guidelines.
  • Candidates note that they will be called in the order of merit. They should see the vacancy position, evaluate their choices and accordingly decide on participation in the counselling.

CENTAC 2022 Admission Dates

CENTAC 2022 important dates are mentioned below for PG Medical/Dental admissions.

Events Tentative Dates 
CENTAC 2022 Online Application Form Releases July 8, 2022
Last date to submit Online Application Form

July 29, 2022 (UG)

September 06, 2022 (PG)

CENTAC 2022 Counselling begins July 11, 2022
Release of Draft Merit List of Applied September 15, 2022
CENTAC Highlights

CENTAC 2022 Highlights

Counselling Authority Central Admission Committee (CENTAC) Puducherry
Courses offered B.Tech, B.Pharm, B.Sc Nursing, BSc (MLT), BA LLB, MBBS, and BDS (Based on NEET score)
Qualification required Should be Indian national; Upper age limit is 21 and lower age limit is 17
Conducted for Admission to Government institutions in Puducherry
Official address “The Convenor”
CENTAC office PEC Campus, Pillaichavady,
Puducherry – 605 014
CENTAC Eligibility

CENTAC 2022 Eligibility Criteria

  • CENTAC 2022 Eligibility Criteria are specified by various institutions offering admission to different courses through CENTAC 2022.
  • CENTAC Eligibility criteria comprise minimum qualifications that candidates should possess in order to be able to apply, age limit, domicile criteria, etc.

Aspirants can check below the CENTAC 2022 Eligibility Criteria:

Nationality Criteria

  • Only Indian Nationals are eligible to register for CENTAC 2022.

Age Criteria

  1. The lower age limit for BAMS is 17 Years (as of 1st October 2022).
  2. The upper age limit for B.Tech is 21 years (as on 1st July 2022). There are three years of relaxation for SC Candidates.

Academic Qualifications

Given below are the course-wise academic qualifications that the applicants must fulfill as part of the eligibility criteria:

CENTAC Eligibility for B.Tech Course

  • Qualifying Exam: Pass 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized board.
  • Subjects: Qualify the 10+2 examination with Physics & Mathematics along with one of the given subjects: Chemistry/Biology/Bio-Technology/Computer Science.
  • Minimum Marks: Secure a minimum of 45% marks (40% marks in case of reserved category).
  • Attempts: For SC, three attempts application & for other, only two attempts.

CENTAC Eligibility for B.Pharm Course

  • Qualifying Exam: Qualify the 12th or equivalent examination from a recognized board.
  • Subjects: Pass the above examination with Physics & Chemistry along with one of the given subjects: Mathematics /Biology/Bio-Technology/Computer Science.
  • Minimum Marks: Score at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of reserved category).
  • Attempts: There are no attempt limits for B.Pharma.

CENTAC Eligibility for BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery) Course

  • Qualifying Exam: Pass the 10+2 examination from a recognized board.
  • Subjects: Qualify the above exam with Physics, Biology, Chemistry & English subjects individually.
  • Minimum Marks: Obtain at least 50% marks (For GEN), 40% marks (For SC/ST/OPH) & 45% marks (For OBC/BCM/MBC/EBC/OPH (GEN & OBC).
  • Attempts: Only one attempt limit.

CENTAC Eligibility for BDS and MBBS

  • Qualifying Exam: Qualify the 12th or equivalent examination from a recognized board.
  • Subjects: Pass the above examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology or Bio-Technology, Zoology, Botany and English individually.
  • Minimum Marks: Score at least 50% marks (40% marks in case of reserved category).\
  • Entrance Exam: Based on the rank secured in NEET 2022
  • Attempts: There are no attempt limits for BDS and MBBS

CENTAC Eligibility for BSc (MLT)

  • Qualifying Exam: Qualify the 12th or equivalent examination from a recognized board.
  • Subjects: Pass the above examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English
  • Minimum Marks: Score at least 50% marks (40% marks in case of reserved category).
  • Attempts: There are no attempt limits for this course.

CENTAC Eligibility for BSc (Nursing)

  • Qualifying Exam: Qualify the 12th or equivalent examination from a recognized board.
  • Subjects: Pass the above examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English.
  • Minimum Marks: Score at least 50 %marks (40% marks in case of reserved category).
  • Attempts: There are no attempt limits for BSc (Nursing)
CENTAC Registration

CENTAC 2022 Application Process

  • CENTAC 2022 Application Form is likely to be released in September 06, 2022. 
  • CENTAC 2022 Application Forms can be filled in and submitted in online mode only at the official website.

Given below are the step-by-step instructions to fill in CENTAC 2022 Application Form:

Step 1: Registering for CENTAC 2022 Application Form

  • CENTAC 2022 Application can be found online by visiting the CENTAC website https://www.centaconline.in/
  • Applicants must enter their name, date of birth, and valid mobile number/email ID in order to get the user ID and password required to log in for the application form.
  • Applicants must log in using their user ID and password to fill out the application form

Step 2: Filling-in CENTAC 2022 Application Form

  • Applicants will be required to fill in the required details in their columns.
  • Applicants must make sure that the details filled in are accurate in their rows.

Given below are the details required in CENTAC 2022 Application Form:

Course Applied Mention the course they are applying for i.e. BTech, B.Pharma, etc
Name of Candidate Enter the full name in a maximum of 50 characters in capital letters
Gender Fill in Code Number for Female Candidates
Fill in Code Number for Male Candidates
Fill in Code Number for Other Gender Candidates
Father’s Name Enter Father’s Name or Guardian’s name
Mother’s Name Enter Mother’s Name
Date of Birth Mention the Date of Birth in the format Day/Month/Year along with the age of the candidate as of October 01, 2022
Educational Stream Enter Subjects studied in 10+2 and marks obtained in the final examination
Correspondence Address Enter the address in English capital letters with Pin Code, Landline Number with STD Code and Mobile Number
Mark of Identification Mention the identification mark
Educational Qualification High School- Year of Passing, Name of Board/University, Total Marks, Marks obtained by Candidates, and Percentage obtained
Scheduled Tribe
Otherwise abled/Blind
Sportsmen (for participation at national-international level competitions)
General Category
Code of university (Preference wise)

Enter code of university and preference as given in the form

Enclosures sent Mark the choice of the documents sent along with the CENTAC 2022 Application Form

There is a declaration and a CENTAC 2022 Identity Card attached with the CENTAC 2022 Application Form.

Step 3: Payment of CENTAC 2022 Application Fee

  • CENTAC 2022 Application Fees are paid online at the payment gateway on the official website.
  • Online payment is accepted through debit cards, credit cards, and net banking.

Given below are the category-wise application fees for CENTAC 2022 Application Form:

Courses Fee (GEN category) Fee (Reserved Category)
One Course 500 250
Two Courses 750 350
Three courses 1000 500

CENTAC 2022 Application Form: Documents Required

  • CENTAC 2022 Application Form will require the applicants to submit certain documents.
  • Applicants need to submit several required documents along with a print-out of the duly filled CENTAC 2022 Application Form.

Given below are the documents required during the CENTAC 2022 Application Process:

  • Copy of Online Payment
  • Nationality Certificate
  • Permanent Integrated Certificate
  • Special Category Certificate (if applicable)
  • Self-attested copy of Certificate depicting Age of Candidate
  • Self-attested copies of Degrees and Mark-sheets of 10 + 2 examination or other educational qualifications.
  • Reservation/Caste Certificate (if applicable)
  •  Passport-size photographs of the candidate. Photographs must not be older than three months from the date of submission of the CENTAC 2022 Application Form.
  • Community Certificate (if applicable)
  • Nativity Certificate (if applicable)
  • Sports Certificate (if applicable)

Note: In case of any errors and queries, candidates should write to or visit “The Convenor”
CENTAC office PEC Campus, Pillaichavady,
Puducherry – 605 014 

CENTAC Reservations

CENTAC 2022 Reservation Criteria

  • CENTAC 2022 Reservation Criteria is set as per the government norms and regulations.
  • Seat reservation is applicable for seats offered in various courses by each institute.

Given below is the distribution of seats through CENTAC 2022:

Categories Reservation (%)
Vertical Reservation
General 50
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 11
Backward Classes Muslims (BCM) 2
Most Backward Classes (MBC) 18
Extreme Backward Classes (EBC) 2
Backward Tribes 1
Scheduled Caste (ST) 16
Horizontal Reservation
Children/Grand Children of Freedom (Fighter (FF) 4
Physically Challenged 3
Wards of Ex-Servicemen 1 or 3**
Candidates who are Meritorious in Sports (SP) 1
CENTAC Merit List

CENTAC 2022 Merit List

CENTAC 2022 Merit List is released separately for admissions into various courses. CENTAC Merit List for selected candidates is published through the website of the three universities.

CENTAC 2022 Merit List: How to Download?

  • Candidates can check their merit status online on the official site for CENTAC 2022
  • Open the website and click on the link that reads CENTAC 2022 Results
  • Enter registered enrollment number in the window that appears
  • Press submit, the result will be displayed
  • CENTAC 2022 Result window will show the cut-off marks and call letter.
CENTAC Cut off

CENTAC 2022 Cut off

CENTAC 2022 cutoff is the minimum score a candidate needs to obtain in order to be eligible for admission to various undergraduate programs.

  • CENTAC 2022 cutoff will vary from institute to institute.
  • The cut-off will also depend on the course and the category of the students who have been shortlisted on the basis of CENTAC ranks.
  • The cutoff of CENTAC 2022 isn’t fixed and may vary from previous years.

CENTAC 2022 Cutoffs: Determining Factors

It depends on several factors:

  1. Seats available in the course for which admission is sought
  2. The cutoff trends of previous years
  3. Perform in the 10+2  exam (if more candidates do well in the exam, it will push the cutoff rank higher and vice versa)
CENTAC Counselling

CENTAC 2022 Counselling

Aspirants who meet the cutoff marks for CENTAC 2022 were placed in the Merit List prepared by the committee.

  • CENTAC 2022 Merit List is prepared based on the marks scored in accordance with their ranks.
  • Applicants are called for counseling in order of their ranks and seat allotment on the basis of CENTAC 2022 Merit List. Separate counseling letters are issued.
  • CENTAC 2022 Counselling is being conducted online. Applicants can register for counselling by visiting the official website of the conducting body.
  • The qualified candidates need to appear in person for counseling and will be required to produce the required documents for verification.
  • After the completion of CENTAC 2022 Counselling process within one week, the conducting authority releases a seat allotment list.
  • Candidates have to download their provisional allotment letter from the website and then report at the allotted center within a given time period with all the required documents.
  • In case, candidates fail to report at a given time, their seats are canceled or given away.

CENTAC 2022 Counselling: Documents Required

Given below are the documents required while CENTAC 2022 Counselling:

  1. Permanent Residence Certificate
  2. Mark Sheet of Class XII
  3. Marksheet of class Xth (Birth date proof)
  4. Attested copies of the mark sheet of Class XII has to be submitted
  5. Category certificate (if applicable)
  6. Qualifying exam degree/mark sheet
  7. Call letter of CENTAC 2022
  8. A copy of CENTAC 2022 Application Form

CENTAC 2022 Exam FAQs

Ques. How many rounds are done in CENTAC 2022 Counselling Process?

Ans. CENTAC 2022 Counselling will have 4 rounds of counselling. The counselling process for CENTAC is done in online mode. 

Ques. Who conducts CENTAC 2022?

Ans. CENTAC 2022 is conducted by the Centralized Admission Committee, Government of Puducherry. CENTAC is conducted for admissions into Engineering, Pharmacy, and Medical Programmes in the state.

Ques. When is the last date for CENTAC 2022 Application Form?

Ans. Applicants are required to complete CENTAC 2022 Application Form by July 29, 2022 (UG) and September 06, 2022 (PG). Applicants can complete the application forms online at the official website. 

Ques. Is there a form correction window for CENTAC 2022 Exam?

Ans. No, there is no form correction window for CENTAC 2022 Exam. Applicants are advised to fill in their application forms accurately.

Ques. Is there an entrance exam for CENTAC 2022 Admissions?

Ans. No, there are no entrance exams conducted as part of CENTAC Admissions. Applicants are selected based on various criteria set for their selected course. 

Ques. Do I have to attempt NEET for CENTAC admissions into MBBS Courses?

Ans. Yes, applicants must have valid NEET exam scores while applying for CENTAC Admissions. Applicants can register for CENTAC Applicaiton Forms online at the official website. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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