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BCECE Exam Pattern 2023: Marking Scheme, and Important Books

BCECE Exam Pattern 2023 is expected to remain the same as of previous year. BCECE Question Paper has sections as per the subject group chosen by the candidate. The subjects for BCECE 2023 include- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and Agriculture. Candidates can opt for either of the subject combinations like- PCM/PCB/CBA/MBA/MCA/PCMB. Check BCECE 2023 Syllabus 

  • BCECE 2023 is to be conducted in online mode for a duration of 4 hours 30 minutes, tentatively in the 2nd week of June 2023. Check BCECE 2023 Exam Dates
  • Candidates are allotted 1 hour 30 minutes to attempt each section. Each section consists of 100 questions. 4 mark is awarded for each correct answer while 1 mark is deducted for every wrong answer.
  • There are a  total of 300 objective-type questions in BCECE exam that candidates can attempt in English or Hindi. Check BCECE Registration 
Highlights 2023

BCECE Exam Pattern 2023 Highlights

Mode of Exam Offline (Pen-paper bsed)
Paper Type Objective
Number of Questions

Total- 300 questions

Physics- 100 questions

Chemistry- 100 questions

Mathematics/Biology- 100 questions

Marks per Question

4 marks each 


Negative Marking -1 mark for each incorrect answer
Medium of Exam English and Hindi
Duration of Exam

Total- 4 hours 30 minutes

1 hours 30 minutes for each section

Read How to Prepare for BCECE?

Marking Scheme

BCECE 2023 Marking Scheme

  • For each question, candidates will be provided four options. You must select the most appropriate option.
  • Each question carries 4 marks while 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • The total number of questions in BCECE exam is 300. The maximum mark for the exam is 1200.

The updated section-wise marking scheme of BCECE is given below for your reference:

Sections Questions Marks per Section
Physics 100 400
Chemistry 100 400
Mathematics 100 400
Biology 100 400
Agriculture 100 400

Check BCECE 2023 Cutoff

Important Books

Minimum Qualifying Marks for BCECE 2023

  • Qualifying marks for BCECE is 50% of the maximum marks to be considered for the ranking. However, any changes in minimum qualifying marks for BCECE 2023 will be updated here.
  • However, for candidates belonging to the Reserved category candidates and reserved category (PH),  the minimum qualifying marks is 40$. of the maximum marks i.e 480.
  • Candidates belonging to General-PH category are required to obtain minimum qualifying marks of 40% i.e 540. 

BCECE Subject Combination

BCECE 2023 Exam includes subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Agriculture. On the basis of the courses, candidates wish to appear for,  they can select the subjects they have to attempt in BCECE. BCECE Question Paper has sections from the following group of subjects:

  • PCM- Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
  • PCB- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
  • PCMB- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology
  • CBA- Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture 

BCECE 2023 Syllabus

The subject-wise syllabus for BCECE is tabulated below. Any changes in BCECE 2023 Syllabus will be updated here soon after the release of the official notification.

Subjects Topics
Physics Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work Energy and Power, Gravitation, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, Gravitation, Properties of Bulk Matter, Heat and Thermodynamics, Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory, Osciliations and Waves, Electrostatiscs, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternation Currents, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Atoms and Nuclei, Electronic Devices, Communication System
Chemistry Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox Reactions, s-block elements, p-block elements, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Polymers, Biomolecules, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, 
Mathematics Sets and Functions, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics and Probability, Relation and Functions, Algebra, Calculus, Vectors and three dimensional Geometry, Linear Programming, Probability, 
Biology Diversity in Living World, Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants, Cell, Plant Physiology, Human Physiology, Sexual Reproduction, Genetics and Evolution, Biology and Human Welfare, Biotechnology and its applications, Ecology and Environment
Agriculture Introductory Agriculture and Agro meteorology, Soil as a medium of plant growth, Plant breeding and genetics, Agricultural Engineering, Crop Protection, Basic Horticulture, Fruit Production, Vegetable Production, Extension Education, Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables

BCECE 2023 Preparation

In order to prepare for BCECE 2023, candidates should take note of the following points. This will also help you in scoring good marks in the exam.

  • Know the Syllabus-  The most important thing is to know the in-depth syllabus for BCECE 2023. List down the most important topics and segregate them into the topics that are important based on the previous year's weightage. After preparing for the most important topics, move on to the topics with less weightage.
  • Prepare a timetable- As per the topics, students should prepare a realistic timetable. Allocate time to the topics as per your strengths and weakness and their weightage. Make the schedule by keeping providing alternate time schedules for practical and theory subjects. The whole syllabus should be divided into small topics.
  • Revision- A lot of times, candidates face the issue of not being able to retain the topics that they have prepared for. In order to avoid this at the last minute, candidates should make time in their timetable for regular revisions of the topics that they have studied. This will help you to retain the topics that you have studied.
  • Practice Previous Year Papers- Practicising Previous year's papers provide candidates an understanding of the type of questions that are asked for the exam. The speed of the candidates in solving questions will also increase by practicing the previous year's papers.

Important Books for BCECE 2023

BCECE Preparation Books for Physics

Books Author/Publisher
 Physics book of Class XI and XII NCERT
Objective Physics Pradeep
Concepts of Physics H. C. Verma
BCECE Explorer MTG or BCECE by Arihant

BCECE Preparation Books for Chemistry

Books Author/Publisher
Chemistry Book of Class XI and XII NCERT
Objective Chemistry Pradeep
BCECE Explorer MTG

BCECE Preparation Books for Mathematics

Books Author/Publisher
Maths book of Class XI and XII NCERT
Objective R. D. Sharma
BCECE Explorer MTG

BCECE Preparation Books for Biology

Books Author/Publisher
Biology Book of Class XI and XII NCERT
Biology Class XI and XII Trueman’s
BCECE Explorer MTG

BCECE Preparation Books for Agriculture

Books Author/Publisher
B.Sc Agriculture Entrance Exam. Dr. Lalita Gaur
Agriculture at a Glance Revised Edition R.K.Sharma, S.K.Bhoi, N.Pandey and S.Shinde
B.Sc. Agriculture Entrance Exam  Arihant Experts

BCECE Exam Day Instructions 2023

These are some important instructions that candidates should follow while appearing for BCECE:

  • No candidate is allowed to appear at the examination center other than that allotted to him.
  • Any kind of tampering in the OMR Sheet may lead to direct disqualification. 
  • Candidates should not indulge in an argument with the invigilators or other staff involved in the examination duty at the center. 
  • Candidates are advised to bring a valid Photo Identity card (in original) along with their printout of BCECE Admit Card on the day of examination.
  • The examinee should not disturb other candidates in the examination room and maintain complete silence during the examination.
  • Candidates are not permitted to carry any electronic device and study material at examination hall like (Mobile, Bluetooth, Pager, watch, test series, books, model papers, etc.)
Exam Pattern FAQs

BCECE 2023 Exam Pattern FAQs

Ques. Is there any negative marking in BCECE 2023 exam?

Ans. Yes, there is a negative marking of 1 mark for every incorrect answer. 4 marks will be awarded to candidates for each correct asnwer.

Ques. Will there be any instructions provided on how to navigate through the question paper during the BCECE exam and whether I can go back and answer any answered question?

Ans. BCECE exam is conducted in offline mode i.e. pen and paper mode. So, there will not be any navigation issues that are in online exam.

Ques. Do I need to prepare for descriptive questions from Physics or Biology in BCECE 2023?

Ans. No, the questions asked in BCECE 2023 are objective-type questions. You need to select only 1 correct answer out of 4.

Ques. Will BCECE question paper be provided in English?

Ans. BCECE question paper will have questions in both English and Hindi.

Ques. What subjects do I need to choose to write the Pharmacy examination for BCECE 2023?

Ans. The mandatory subjects required for Pharmacy examination in BCECE 2023 are Physics and Chemistry. Also, another optional subject needs to be chosen from either Mathematics or Biology.

Ques. Is Organic Chemistry an important chapter for Chemistry section in BCECE exam?

Ans. Yes, around 8% questions were asked from the Organic Chemistry principles and sections in the previous years. So, this is a fairly important chapter from Chemistry section.

Ques. Will there be any grace timing provided during BCECE 2023 if I am not able to complete the exam on time?

Ans. No,  candidates are alloted 1.5 hours for each subject and it need to be completed in that time. Grace time will not be provided if the paper is not completed within that stipulated time.

Ques. What topics in Agriculture cover more weightage that needs to be prepared thoroughly for BCECE 2023?

Ans. Agrometeorology, Horticulture, Livestock Production, Crop Production are some of the important topics in Agriculture are some of the topics which have substantial weightage as per previous year for BCECE 2023..

Ques. What is the best way to prepare for BCECE?

Ans. If candidates have already gone through all the topics as per the syllabus, last minute revision is really important. The concepts and important formulae need to be revised. Also, solve previous years’ papers and take as many mock tests as possible to be familiar with the examination pattern and finish the exam on time.

Ques. Can I apply for DCECE to get enrolled in the Engineering colleges as offered after completing BCECE 2023 exam?

Ans. DCECE is Diploma Certificate Entrance competitive examination for courses in Polytechnic engineering, matric and intermediate level Para medical courses. Hence, both the exams are different and one cannot get into the same courses through DCECE which BCECE offers.

Ques. I am from Darjeeling Government College. Can I write this exam to get into any other college?

Ans. Yes, if the candidate passes the qualifying exam with the required marks, that candidate can write this BCECE exam and can take admission in any Government college based on the criteria of that college. They will not be able to apply for any reservation.

Ques. I selected PCMB as my subject in the examination. Which degree courses can I choose after completing BCECE 2023?

Ans. Candidates with PCMB as a subject can take up either Engineering or Medical stream. Apart from that, candidates can also choose B.Sc degree in any program of their interest after completing BCECE 2023. 

Ques. Which topics need to be covered from the Algebra section of Mathematics?

Ans. From Algebra section, the following topics need to be prepared:

  • Principle of Mathematical Induction
  • Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
  • Linear Inequalities
  • Permutation & Combination
  • Binomial Theorem
  • Sequence & Series

Ques. Which are the recommended books to prepare for Oscillations and Waves in Physics?

Ans. For studying the Oscillations and Waves and other topics in Physics, some of these books are recommended:

  • H.C. Verma Physics, Volume 1 and 2
  • Fundamentals of Physics, class 11, set of textbook and Practice book by David Halliday

Ques. What topics are given more weightage in Biology paper?

Ans. Syllabus for Biology consists of subjects from class 11 and 12. Usually Class 11 subjects are given more weightage. The topics which are given more weightage are as follows:

  • Cell: Structure And Function
  • Human Physiology
  • Sexual Reproduction
  • Plant Physiology
  • Diversity In Living World     

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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