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M.Phil. (Media Studies)

Course Structure

M.Phil in Media Studies is a two year program, divided in 4 semesters. Apart from the modules of media, students will also have to go through Research methodology. Being a full-time program, the course delivered through classroom sessions, discussions, presentations and industry visits.


The department follows 50:50 examination designs. Classroom assignments, presentation and dissertation are important components of assessment along with 50% attendance. The unified end semester exam carries 50% marks.


M.Phil Media Studies syllabus in India follows a pattern set by UGC. An overview for the syllabus is given below:

Core Papers

Name of Paper



SEMESTER 1- Research Methodology

Media theories based on thematic perspectives,

Rhetoric perspective,

It includes subjects like media as text- cultivating effects; industrial and commercial perspective- convergence and state regulation etc

It also includes topics on communication in a form of Semiotics, Phenomenological, Cybernetic, Psychology and Socio-cultural.

SEMESTER 2- Perspective on Media and Communication Theories

Based on disciplines,

Based on thematic perspectives,

Rhetoric Theory,

Elective I

  1. Print Culture
  2. Introduction to Oral, Print and Visual Culture,

    Elective II

  1. Broadcasting in the Digital Age- Emerging Trends
  2. Advertising,

Covers topics like Technology of Communication, Media use and effect, Feminist media theory, Cultural Issues, Communication and Spatial Location

It includes subjects such as media as text, power and politics, industrial and commercial perspective, normative and ethical perspective

Through understanding of communication as Semiotics, Phenomenological, Cybernetics, Social Psychology, Socio-cultural, Critical

SEMESTER 3- Research Proposal Work in Progress, Dissertation and Viva Voce

Work in Progress,

Work in Progress,

Dissertation and Viva

Every applicant is required to submit and present at least 4 progress reports of MPhil thesis work.

The researcher is required to submit five copies of the dissertation in the format described by the Center for Research in the most recent month of the third semester. The co-ordinator will make courses of action for the assessment and the setting up of the date for viva inside of a month from the date of accommodation of the paper.

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