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B.Tech Cyber Security Engineering Syllabus, Subjects, 1st Year, Semester, Entrance Exam, Books, Top colleges

BTech Cyber Security is a 4 years undergraduate degree course which provides comprehensive knowledge of Cyber Crime, Network Security, Data structures, Cryptography, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems etc. See Also: B Tech Courses

The Cyber Security curriculum includes lectures, theoretical knowledge, practical exams and projects to get a better understanding. The course increases your capability to solve complex technical problems along with increasing your analytical skills to lead a successful professional life. 

See Also:

B Tech Cyber Security Course Details

The course details of B Tech Cyber Security is:

Course Level Undergraduate
Full-Form Bachelor of Technology in Cyber Security
Duration 4 Years
Examination Type Semester System
Eligibility 10+2 with Maths, Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects and 50% aggregate marks
Admission Process Merit-based/ Entrance-based
Average Course Fee INR 1,00,000 - INR 2,50,000 LPA
Average Salary Ranges between INR 3.1 LPA to INR 17.8 LPA
Job Positions Cyber Security Manager, Security Analyst, Security Architect, Security Software Developer, Cryptanalyst, Security Engineer, Cryptographer, Security Consultant, Forensic Expert
Top Recruiting Companies Amazon, Nokia, Infosys, Apple, Boeing, Capital One, Cisco,General Motors, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Cognizant,Intel, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Patient First,Pinkerton
Employment Areas IT Firms,Tech Firms, Software Development Firms, IT Consultancies,IT Security Firms,MNCs, Computer Security Firms, Tech Consultancies, Data Security Firms, Banks, Business Firms, Telecommunication Firms
Higher Study Options MTech Cyber SecurityMTech CSEMTech Information SecurityMTech in Computer Networks and Information Security

B Tech Cyber Security Syllabus

B.Tech. Information Technology with specialization in Cyber Security 

Semester 1 Semester 2
Theory Theory
Technical English Engineering Chemistry / Engineering Physics*
Engineering Mathematics-I Fundamentals of IT#
Engineering Physics / Engineering Chemistry* Object Oriented Programming#
Engineering Graphics Electron Devices and Circuits#
Computer Programming Engineering Mathematics-II
Practical Practical
Computer Programming Laboratory Chemistry Laboratory/ Physics Laboratory*
Engineering Practices Laboratory-I Communication Skills Laboratory II
Communication Skills Laboratory I Engineering Practices Laboratory-II
Physics Laboratory / Chemistry Laboratory* Object Oriented Programming Lab#
Semester 3 Semester 4
Theory Theory
Data Structures System Software
Digital Principles and System Design C# and .Net Framework
Java Programming Operating Systems
Computer Architecture and Microprocessor Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Principles of Communication Elective - I
Practical Practical
Data Structures Lab System Software Lab
Digital Principles and System Design Lab C# and .Net Framework Lab
Java Programming Lab Operating System Lab
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab Mini Project
Semester 5 Semester 6
Theory Theory
Free and Open source software Network Programming and Management
Computer Networks Web Technology
Database Management Systems Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Visual Programming Data warehousing and Mining
Principles of Management* Elective – III
Elective - II Elective – IV
Practical Practical
Free and Open source software Lab Networking Lab
Database Management Systems Lab Web Technology Lab
Visual Programming Lab Case Tools Lab
- Comprehensive lab
Semester 7 Semester 8
Theory Theory
Professional Ethics & Human Values * Entrepreneurship Development *
XML and Web Services Software Project Management
Computer Graphics and Multimedia Information Storage Management
Software Testing Practical
Information Coding Techniques Project Work
Elective – V -
Practical -
XML and Web Services Lab -
Graphics and Multimedia Lab -

See Also: B.Tech Cyber Security

B Tech Cyber Security Subjects

The important subjects in B Tech Cyber Security are listed below:

B Tech Cyber Security First year Subjects 

  • Technical English - The learners will be able to speak English at the formal and informal levels and use it for daily conversation, presentation, group discussion and debate. To widen the capacity of the learners to listen to the English language at the basic level and understand its meaning. See AlsoEnglish Courses
  • Engineering Mathematics - Find the inverse of the matrix by using Cayley Hamilton Theorem and Diagonalisation of a matrix using transformation. Learn the expansions of trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions and their relations. See AlsoMathematics Courses 
  • Fundamentals of Information Technology - To provide basic knowledge for solving problems using computers and understand the basics of Human-Computer Interaction.

B Tech Cyber Security Second year Subjects 

  • JAVA Programming - To learn the advanced features of Java and to develop skills to cope with any kind of java programming. Students will learn to develop distributed applications in core Java.
  • Computer Architecture and Microprocessor - To have an in-depth knowledge of Computer architecture and programming of 8-bit and 16-bit Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and various peripheral devices with them.
  • Operating Systems - To have a thorough knowledge of processes, scheduling concepts, memory management, I/O and file systems in an operating system.

Know MoreTop MTech Courses in India

B Tech Cyber Security Third year Subjects 

  • Free and Open Source Software- To learn the different concepts of free and open source software, To learn MySQL open source database software. To learn PHP, Python and Pearl
  • Database Management System - To learn the fundamentals of data models and to conceptualize and depict a database system using ER diagram. physical DB design. Students will know the fundamental concepts of transaction processing- concurrency control techniques and recovery procedures.
  • Principles of Management - To make the students understand the different managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

See Also:

B Tech Cyber Security Fourth year Subjects 

  • Professional Ethics and Human Values- To create an awareness of Human Values. To be familiar with the various theories of Engineering Ethics. To create an awareness about the safety aspects responsibilities and various rights of professionals.
  • Software Testing- To explain the basics of software testing. Students will Know how to control and monitor the testing process.
  • Information Coding Techniques - To introduce the fundamental concepts of information theory: data compaction, data compression, data transmission, error detection and correction

See Also:

B Tech Cyber Security Entrance Exam Syllabus (JEE Mains)

The JEE exam is conducted online computer-based test for a duration of 3 hours. Each correct answer in JEE Main carries a weightage of 4 marks and a -1 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer (MCQ or numerical-based answer). The Proper Details of JEE Syllabus are:

Feature Paper Pattern for B.Tech
JEE Main Examination Mode Computer-based Test
Number of Sections Three- Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
JEE Main Exam Language 13 languages (English, Hindi, Kannada, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu)
JEE Main Exam Duration 3 hours
JEE Main Sectional Time Limit None
JEE Main Total Marks 300 marks
JEE Main -Total Number of Questions Asked 90 questions
JEE Main -Total Number of Questions to be Answered 75 questions
JEE Main Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ);
Numerical Answer Type Questions
JEE Main Section-wise Number of Questions Physics- 20 MCQs and 10 numerical type,
Chemistry- 20 MCQs and 10 numerical type,
Mathematics- 20 MCQs and 10 numerical type
JEE Main Section-wise Weightage Physics- 100 marks,
Chemistry- 100 marks,
Mathematics- 100 marks
JEE Main Negative Marking -1 for each incorrect answer
JEE Main Marking Scheme +4 for each correct answer

B Tech Cyber Security Syllabus in JNTUH

The syllabus for Cyber security in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad is :

Semester 1 Semester 2
Matrices and Calculus Ordinary Differential Equations and Vector Calculus
Engineering Chemistry Applied Physics
Programming for Problem Solving Engineering Workshop
Basic Electrical Engineering English for Skill Enhancement
Computer Aided Engineering Graphics Electronic Devices and Circuits
Elements of Computer Science & Engineering Python Programming Laboratory
Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Applied Physics Laboratory
Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory English Language and Communication Skills Laboratory
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory IT Workshop
- Environmental Science
Semester 3 Semester 4
Analog and Digital Electronics Discrete Mathematics
Data Structures Business Economics & Financial Analysis
Mathematical and Statistical Foundations Operating Systems
Computer Organization and Architecture Computer Networks
Python Programming Object Oriented Programming using Java
Analog and Digital Electronics Lab Operating Systems Lab
Data Structures Lab Computer Networks Lab
IT Workshop Lab Java Programming Lab
Python Programming Lab Constitution of India
Gender Sensitization Lab -
Semester 5 Semester 6
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Cyber Security
Cryptography and Network Security Cyber Crime Investigation & Digital Forensics
Database Management Systems Software Engineering
Formal Languages and Automata Theory Professional Elective – III
Professional Elective - I Open Elective - I
Professional Elective - II Cyber Security Lab
Cryptography and Network Security Lab Cyber Crime Investigation & Digital Forensics Lab
Database Management Systems Lab Professional Elective – III Lab
Advanced Communication Skills Lab Environmental Science
Intellectual Property Rights -
Semester 7 Semester 8
Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing Organizational Behaviour
Network Management Systems and Operations Professional Elective - VI
Professional Elective - IV Open Elective - III
Professional Elective - V Project Stage - II
Open Elective - II -
Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing lab -
Industrial Oriented Mini Project / Summer Internship -
Seminar -
Project Stage - I -

See Also:

B Tech Cyber Security Syllabus in Amrita

The B. Tech program in CSE (Cyber Security) in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is intended to mold students into well-prepared Cyber Security professionals. The course has been designed with a good balance between theoretical & practical aspects, architectural and analytical methods complemented by academic research and industry best practices.

Semester 1 Semester 2
Technical Communication Discrete Mathematics
Classical Cryptography Number Theory and Algebra
Linear Algebra Digital Signal Processing
Engineering Physics Computer Organisation and Architecture
Problem Solving and Algorithmic Thinking Computer Programming
Principles of Engineering Computer Programming lab
Computer Hardware and System Essentials Cyber Security Essentials
Cultural Education – 1 Cultural Education – II
Semester 3 Semester 4
Optimization Techniques Probability and Statistics
User Interface Design Multimedia Processing
Operating Systems System Security
Operating System Lab System Security Lab
Advanced Programming Machine Learning in Cyber Security
Database Management System Data Structures and Algorithms
Modern Cryptography Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
Amrita Value Program I Java Programming Lab
- Amrita Value Program II
- Soft Skills – 1
- Disaster Management
Semester 5 Semester 6
Digital Communication Cyber Forensics
Secure Coding Principles of Programming Languages
Algorithms: Design and Analysis Advanced Protocol Engineering and Security Lab
Computer Networks Network Security
Computer Networks Lab Applied Cryptography
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Automata Theory and Compiler Design
Humanities Elective Professional Elective – 1
Soft Skills – 2 Soft Skills – 3
Environmental Science Live-in-Labs
Live – in – Labs*** -
Semester 7 Semester 8
Secure Software Engineering Project - Phase – 2
Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing -
Web Application Security -
Android Application Development -
Professional Elective – 2 -
Professional Elective – 3 -
Free Elective – 1 (Management Elective) -
Project - Phase – 1 / Seminar -
Indian Constitution -

See Also:

B Tech Cyber Security Syllabus in UPES

The B.Tech (Hons) CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) with specialization in Cyber Security and Forensics syllabus is :

Semester 1 Semester 2
Engineering Mathematics Data Structures
Engineering Physics/Leadership and Teamwork Operating Systems
Principles of Programming Languages Discrete Mathematics
Introduction to IT Industry Verticals Computer System Architecture
Living Conversations Python Programming
Learning how to Learn Working with Data
Induction Program Engineering Physics/Leadership and Teamwork
Principles of Programming Languages Lab Data Structures Lab
Engineering Physics Lab Operating Systems Lab
- Engineering Physics Lab
- Python Programming Lab
Semester 3 Semester 4
Object-Oriented Programming Advanced Database Management Systems
Design and Analysis of Algorithm Data Communication and Computer Networks
Software Engineering & Project management Computer Graphics
Information Security Fundamentals IT Application & Data Security
IT Systems Security & Physical Security Critical thinking and writing
Ethical Leadership in 21st Century (Human Values and Ethics) Environment and Sustainability - Himalaya Fellowship
Design Thinking Exploratory Elective 2
Exploratory Elective 1 Core Electives-2
Core Electives-1 Core Electives-2
Object-Oriented Programming Lab -
Social Internship -
IT Systems Security & Physical Security Lab -
Dynamic Paradigm in Cyber Security & Digital Forensics 1 -
Core Electives-1 -
Semester 5 Semester 6
Micro Processor & Embedded Systems Information Security Governance
Compiler Design Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing
Digital Forensics I Digital Forensics II
IT Network Security IT Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery planning
Program Elective I Program Elective II
Core Electives-3 Core Electives-4
Semester 7 Semester 8
Program Elective III Program Elective IV
Major Project I Major Project II
Exploratory Elective 5 Core Electives-6
Summer Internship -
Core Electives-5 -

See AlsoMBA Executive Information Technology

B Tech Cyber Security Top Colleges

Many universities and colleges including Chandigarh UniversityBITS Hyderabad, and UPES Dehradun offer BTech Cyber Security courses. The subjects covered in the domain include Digital Principles, Data Structures, and System Design, System Software etc. The Top B Tech Cyber Security colleges are:

Know More: Top BTech Colleges in India

B Tech Cyber Security Books

The useful books for B Tech Cyber Security are :

Books Author
Technical English. New Delhi: Macmillan, 2009 Devaki Reddy & Shreesh Chaudhary
Engineering Mathematics, Volume I & II, S.Chand and Company Kandaswamy P, Thilagavathy K and Gunavath K
Problem Solving and Programming Concepts, Maureen Sprankle, Jim Hubbard,
Object Oriented Data Structures using C++, Vikas Publishing House pvt. Ltd., 2000 K.S. Easwarakumar
Understanding Open Source Software Development. Joseph Feller & Brian FitzGerald,
Windows Programming Charles Petzold
Principles of Management, Lakshmi Publications, Jan 2010 G.K. Vijaya Raghavan, M.Sivakumar

See Also: B.Tech Information Security

B Tech Cyber Security Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects in B Tech cyber security?

Ans. The subjects in B Tech Cyber Security are Network Security, Cyber Crime, Data Structures, Cryptography, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems etc 

Ques. Is B Tech good for Cyber Security?

Ans. There are great job opportunities for B Tech Cyber Security graduates such as Information Security Lead, Cyber Security Engineer, Lead Cyber Security Analyst, Cyber Security Architect, Technical Trainee etc. Graduates can also work in private and government sectors like ISRO, DRDO etc.

Ques. Is coding required for Cyber Security?

Ans. Most entry-level jobs do not require any background coding experience and as a fresher, it is important to have a passion for learning new things and think critically.

Ques. What are the skills needed for Cyber Security?

Ans. Problem-solving skills, Attention to detail, Great communication skills, Technical Aptitude, Learner’s mindset, an understanding of hacking, and Fundamental Computer Forensic skills are the skills required for Cyber Security.

Ques. Who uses Cyber Security?

Ans. Cyber security is used by enterprises and individuals to protect against cyber threats and unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems.

Ques. Can I become a hacker after BTech?

Ans. Students must have a Bachelor's degree ( BSc, BTech, BCA, BE) in Information Technology or Computer Science to become Ethical Hackers. Students with an advanced Diploma in network security or relevant technology can also choose Ethical Hacking.

Ques. What is the job of cyber security analysts?

Ans. Cyber Security analysts protect computer networks from cyberattacks and unauthorized access. They protect the organization’s valuable data.

Ques. Which is better Cyber security or Data science?

Ans. Information is getting more digital, people and companies equally need Data science and Cyber security to keep their information safe. So, it totally depends on the student’s interests and what they want to learn.

Ques. What are the jobs in Cyber security?

Ans. The top Cyber security jobs are Cyber security engineer, Security Architect, Malware analyst, Cloud security specialist, Computer Forensics Analyst, Application Security engineer etc

Ques. Is Python needed for Cyber security?

Ans. Python can be used in mostly everything like making payloads, decoding of packets, network scanning, accessing servers etc.

Ask your question

Answered Questions


Risabh Dasgupta

14 Mar22

IIIT Lucknow is a good option for pursuing a B.Tech in IT. Although it was mentored by IIIT Allahabad at first, now it shifted to its new campus in 2019. It runs independently with its own faculty, classes, and placement cell. 

  • It already has a great coding culture. There are also various cultural and technological clubs and societies like Axios (technical club), AFTER DARK (photography club).
  • The campus is located in a SEZ special economic zone, which is also known as the HCL IT city of Lucknow. So, you can expect good exposure in the IT industry.
  • According to the recent placement statistics, around 26.4% of students of the institute were placed in the core IT sector. IIIT Lucknow IT average CTC as par 2020 placement highlights is INR 18 LPA

IIIT Lucknow will offer you good placement opportunities, exposure, and coding culture.

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Priyansh Kumar

16 Mar23

If you have a choice between IIIT Vadodara and any other well-established NIT or IIIT for a Btech in CSE/IT, you should go for the latter as IIIT Vadodara lacks proper infrastructure and resources. However, studying B.tech in CSE at IIIT Vadodara is a rigorous course that offers different course content from other colleges, making students good engineers. The professors put in equal amounts of hard work to deliver their content in a professional manner, and there are ample resources available online for students. 

IIIT Vadodara is a good option as it provides exposure to both theory and industrial practice, and the institute has improved immensely. The placements are also getting better, with tech giants recognizing IIIT Vadodara and aiding in projects through developer student clubs and Mozilla student club

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Sikha Rajput

20 Jul21

Both the options are good. There is no such difference in the quality of education, either in these two branches, or any other branch in CUSAT.

They make you work hard, focus on every detail, and stress a lot on the practical classes and labs.

As for the faculty, 85% are permanent. As for the quality of faculty, everyone will have a different view. According to my friends at CUSAT, the only difference you will find between the branches is that the EC people toil 3 times harder than the other branches.

According to the overall placement statistics the average and highest CTC offered to the students is 4 LPA and 15 LPA.

You should choose the branch that is better for you. Think about the branch where your interest lies, will you be able to manage the workload efficiently, does the subject interest you, or which branch has the better placements matter. However, I would like to advise you not to be bothered by placements any more.

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Subham Agarwal

23 Jun22

At IIIT Allahabad the average package for IT is around INR 20 LPA. Each year around 90% of students from IT get placed. During the 2022 IIIT Allahabad placements, the domestic and international packages offered were INR 1.21 Crore per annum and INR 1.25 Crore per annum respectively. 

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Pravhas Sawant

23 Mar21

Yes, KJSCE is a good college for IT. You can also consider taking CSE here. Since the syllabus for these two branches differs by a few subjects. 

  • KJ Somiya is an autonomous institute, so it has a good curriculum. You will have the option to choose from a number of interdisciplinary as well as audit courses.
  • The placement of IT and CSE branches are quite good. 
  • From my experience, the faculty is also quite well versed, cooperative and good.
  • If you are concerned about labs, they are very well equipped with good computers. One of them even has an iMac.
  • Additionally, if you are interested in workshops, councils like CSI and CodeChef conduct them on various technologies and coding which you will find very helpful.
  • If you get along with the faculty, you will also have a number of projects that you could work on.

Overall, KJSCE for IT is a good option. You will have a number of opportunities open for you to develop your career here.

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Muktesh Shukla

21 Mar23

The IT degree at IIIT Allahabad is considered one of the best in India, and it is aligned with the CSE curriculum from the best IITs and NITs in India. The professors are a mixed bag, with some highly qualified, doing good research, and teaching well, while some may be uninteresting. However, with some self-motivation, the academic landscape is quite good. 

IIIT Allahabad has a great culture for programming, which can help you become a serious developer. The infrastructure is good, the campus is green, and the architecture is impressive, with the added benefit of being centrally air-conditioned.

On the downside, the city life in Allahabad is not great, especially if you come from a metro city. You may experience a cultural shock. The research environment is not exceptional, and there are only a handful of students aspiring to pursue higher education. You will find yourself in a batch of more than 200 students, in which you have to create your own identity. The weather is terrible, with extremely hot summers and cold winters (although some people may like the winters). The sports infrastructure is not the most amazing one.

In summary, here's the verdict:

  • If you're interested in research and want to pursue technical education further in your career, BITS Goa may be the right choice for you.
  • If you want a great Indian IT job after your degree, IIIT Allahabad may be the right choice for you.
  • If you're looking for a better peer group, better girls, and a more happening city life, BITS Goa may be the right choice for you.
  • If you're serious about programming and have a penchant for Competitive Programming, IIIT Allahabad may be the right choice for you.
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Madhumanti Halder

19 May21

According to my friends at DAIICT, it is definitely a better choice among the two. Considering factors like placement, brand reputation, and coding culture. 

The points below give a brief overview of some of the advantages of choosing DAIICT over SVNIT.

  • According to some professors of SVNIT itself, DAIICT is a better institute for CSE and IT, compared to SVNIT.
  • The overall placement statistics of DAIICT are far better than that in SVNIT, with more high-paying jobs offered in the institute. 
  • DAIICT doesn’t have as good a reputation as NITs in India. But, in companies like Amazon, MAQ, Morgan Stanley, etc, DAIICT has a far better reputation than SVNIT.
  • There is an excellent open-source coding environment in DAIICT. 
  • The number of GSoC entries from both institutes makes it evident that DAIICT has much more success in open-source contribution.




Course Fee

5.47 lakh

7.28 LPA

Placement Percentage



Highest CTC

35-40 LPA

43 LPA

Average CTC

10-12 LPA

19 LPA

Therefore, it is clear that DAIICT is a much better choice, especially in subjects like CS and IT. In DAIICT, there is a high exposure in higher studies among students. There is a good environment for competitive coding too in DAIICT. In every notable coding contest from platforms like Codeforces, Codechef, etc, there are at least 30-40 participants from DAIICT.

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Nandini Mukharjee

22 Jun22

NIT Jamshedpur CS is better than NIT Kurukshetra IT. It offers better placement opportunities to students. According to the highlights of NIT Jamshedpur placements 2022, students of CSE received the highest CTC of around INR 37.50 LPA. Amazon, Deloitte, Tata Group are some of the major recruiters that frequently visit the campus placements. 

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Sulagna Saha

20 Jul21

If you are looking for placements for CS jobs, a lot of branches from engineering are eligible for it. These include IT, EC, CS, and even EE sometimes. These branches are included from both campuses, CUSAT and CUSEK.

Many students from CUSEK also travel to CUSAT to attend placements. A few students from M.Tech and MCA are also eligible to appear for these placements.

  • The criteria for eligibility differ from company to company but if you have a CGPA of 8.3 (75%) and no other backlogs.
  • You can appear for almost every company that visits the college for placements.
  • Once you have qualified past the eligibility criteria, you will realize that there is not much distinction between IT and CS branch students.
  • Most companies end up treating all students equally.
  • If you are looking to target specific areas for your development, programming skills, and interview prepare the ones you should focus on.
  • Other than this, your class rank, CGPA as well other past backlogs will not matter if you ace the first two.
  • Next, if you are looking to rank ease of placements branch-wise and package size, computer science is the leader.
  • This is followed by IT, SF and EC at a tie, EE, and lastly ME and CE tying off again.
Categories IT at CUSAT
Highest CTC 29 LPA (Cisco)
Average CTC 6-8 LPA (TCS Digital, Nissan, Soti, IBM, and Tally)
Lowest CTC 3-3.8 LPA (TCS, Wipro, EY and Infosys)

In my opinion, securing placements for CS is not that difficult. Students with pending backlogs also are placed so you do not have much to be worried about. Just do your best.

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Rahul Tomer

16 Mar21

Choosing IT at any of the mentioned colleges depends on what you want to make your career in. If you are good at coding then IIIT Allahabad will be a good choice. The course curriculum is designed to provide you knowledge of DSA, OOP, and so on. You will learn more about coding at IIIT Allahabad than at NIT Allahabad.

IIIT Allahabad also has a good student environment which will help you in acquiring knowledge and keeps you motivated.

If you are not passionate about learning to code, then NIT Allahabad will be a better choice. In NIT Allahabad, you will meet students from a diverse background that will help you improve and groom your personality. The institute will give you wider exposure. You can prepare for examinations like UPSC or CAT And can also start your own start-up. NIT Allahabad has a better brand value than IIIT Allahabad.

Therefore, you can choose either institute as both of them are equally good. But coding is important to get a good placement in MNCs. So choose according to it.

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