Aspirants seeking admission to 3 years Full-time Diploma In Engineering Program should meet the following criteria as specified by the institute.
Academic Requirement:
- The candidate must be a citizen of India.
- For Technical(Engineering) Courses: should have passed Karnataka S.S.L.C or equivalent examination by securing 35% marks in aggregate.
- For Non-technical (Non-Engineering)Courses: a) Commercial Practice and Apparel Design & Fabrication Technology / Modern office Management Should have passed Karnataka S.S.L.C or Equivalent Examination by securing 35% marks in aggregate. b) Library Science and Information Management Should have passed Karnataka P.U.C-II or Equivalent examination by securing 35% marks in aggregate.
- For both Engineering & Non-Engineering: the candidate should have completed atleast five full academic years of study in Karnataka between 1st Standard and qualifying examination.
- Candidates who have passed the 10th Standard Exam conducted by CBSE/ICSE and other states 10th Standard candidates shall produce Eligibility Certificates obtained from the Secretary, Board of Technical Examinations, Palace Road, Bangalore – 560 001 at the time of document verificatioion & online application submission process.
Entrance Exam:
- Admission is done through KEA-DCET-2018