Course Duration
4 YearsThe State Council of Higher Education, Andhra Pradesh, has regulated the entry of students to various technical and non- technical courses in the state, for entering into the technical courses in Under Graduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG). At present the entry standard for the Under-Graduate course in Pharmacy (B.Pharmacy) is10+2 level. Both the mathematics and Biology students at +2 levels are eligible for admission. The candidate has to qualify through the Engineering,Agriculture, Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education. The candidates seeking admission into the 20% management quota seats need not qualify in the common entrance test but have to secure 60% of the aggregate marks in the qualifying examination of 10+2.
Admission Procedure:-
Admission into first of Four Year B.Pharmacy:- As per the existing stipulations of A.P State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE), Government of Andhra Pradesh, admissions are made into the first year of four year B.Pharmacy Degree programme as per the following pattern.