Qualification - M.P.T Neuro, PhD Scholar
Associate Professor , Department of Musculoskeletal
Qualification - M.P.T Ortho, MPT Neuro.
Subject Expertise - Mannual therapy in peripheral joints, Ergonomics, Physiotherapy Awareness in community groups of different professions
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrotherapy and Spine
Qualification - M.P.T In Orthopaedic Conditions
Subject Expertise - 1)Rehabilitation Protocols (conservative/preoperative/po stoperative)2)Biomechanics and Movement Analysis 3) pain Management 4)Exercise Interventions 5)Technology and Rehabilitation 6)Manual Therapy Techniques 7)Preventive Strategies 8)Multidisciplinary Approaches 9) Patient-reported Outcomes 10) Health Equity and Access
Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiopulmonary and fitness
Qualification - M.P.T (Cardiorespiratory Disorder)
Subject Expertise - 1) Innovative Technologies in Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 2) Exercise Prescription for Cardiovascular Health, 3) Impact of Lifestyle Factors on Diabetes Prevalence, 4) Prevalence of Undiagnosed Diabetes
Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiopulmonary and fitness
Qualification - M.P.T (Cardiorespiratory Disorder)
Assistant Professor, Department of Musculoskeletal
Qualification - M.P.T In Orthopaedic Conditions
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurophysiotherpy
Qualification - M.P.T - Physiotherapy In Neurological And Psychosomatic, Diploma In Nutrition And Health Education
Subject Expertise - 8 reserch artical publish in natioanl and international journals and interest Stroke, disables, Parkinson diseases, spinal cord diseases,vertigo, sports injury
Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatric
Qualification - M.P.T - Physiotherapy In Neurological And Psychosomatic, Diploma In Nutrition And Health Education
Subject Expertise - Pediatric and neurological conditions
Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatric
Qualification - MPT - Physiotherapy In Neurological And Psychosomatic, Diploma In Nutrition And Health Education
Subject Expertise - Motor Learning, Chronic Pain And Its Psychology, Environmental Contexts Affecting Rehabilitation.
Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiopulmonary and fitness
Qualification - M.P.T - (Cardiorespiratory Disorder)