- A candidate passing B.A.M.S.Degree and complete internship completion or Who has obtained a degree in Ayurveda from a recognized institution under a university or a statutory board or recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine for the admission or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto.
- the candidate should have a valid PGA-CET score conducted by Government of Maharashtra/Association CET 50 % score conducted by Association of private ayurvedic colleges in Maharashtra.
· OMS candidates satisfying above eligibility criteria can directly apply to the institute.
(Subject to guidelines given by MUHS, Nashik from time to time)
- The period of the regular course of study for the degree course under this ordinance shall be of three years after the admission.
- The candidate shall have to attend at least 80% of total lectures, practicals, and clinical tutorial or classes to become eligible for appearing in the university examination.