New Delhi: As per the latest updates, Chandigarh University has secured first rank among the top Indian universities under the list of Hospitality And Leisure Management of QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023
In addition to this, Chandigarh University has bagged the 11th rank in
New Delhi: Chandigarh University has been ranked at the top with the highest number of 703 patents filed in the academic year 2021-22, the CGPDTM report revealed.
As per the latest report released by the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, TradeMarks and Geographic
New Delhi: The Industrial Design Centre (IDC), along with IIT Bombay is all set to conduct the UCEED 2023 exam on January 22, 2023.
Only four institutes including IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, and IIITDM Jabalpur have participated in the UCEED 2023 exam to provide admission to
New Delhi: First-slot campus placements for the Class of 2023 have begun at Chandigarh University, and the school's 6154 job offers are the highest in all of India. Having a solid grounding in its educational approach, research, international and industrial partnerships, and well-organized curr