November 23, 2020: Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Tamil Nadu has declared TNEA 2020 Supplementary Provisional Allotments List. Aspirants can check seat allotments for Academic, Vocational, and Special category on DTE official website
DTE, Tamil Nadu has also relea
Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai commenced the counselling process for TNEA 2020 supplementary admission on November 3. Candidates can register for the counselling process via the official website
The Directorate informed the potential candidates that the deadline for r
Directorate of Technical Education, DoTe, Tamil Nadu has released Second Allotment List of TNEA 2020 Counselling today, October 20, 2020. Read How to Check
TNEA 2020 Round 2 Allotment list is available on the official site at and The registration proces
The first seat allotment of TNEA 2020 for the B.Tech program has been released on the official website The students can check their allotments by searching for their names on the list.
Seat allotment of TNEA 2020 is based on the merit acquired in