Gautam Budh Teacher’s Training College, Nalanda is a unit of S.C.R.D. Saichinik Samajik Seva Sansthan; a Government recognized organization under the Society Registration Act. The objective of starting this college is to offer UG training in Education. Institute is recognised by ERC, NCTE Bhubaneswar. The college offers only one course Diploma in Education (D.Ed.).

Founded by

S.C.R.D. Saichinik Samajik Seva Sansthan,

Recognised by

ERC, NCTE Bhubaneswar.

Total Seat



Spacious enough to occupy 50 students at one time. It has stored 4,000 books, and about 20 periodicals, in addition to journals, on various topics and 3 newspapers.

Why to join this college?

  • Pioneering in Teacher Education: Though the college is small, but has garnered a good reputation in offering diploma course in teacher training.
  • Built with essential facilities: College has a good infrastructure wit open access library, psychology lab and instructional aids lab.