Vidya Sagar Infotech College is running under the trust Bhagini Kalyan Samittee. It is situated in Jamnagar City, State of Gujarat and just 1.8 kms away from Jamnagar Old Railway Station. It is affiliated to Saurashtra University. The college has expert, well qualified and dedicated teaching staff in their field of education. It has all necessary facilities like computer laboratory with LCD projector facility, Library facility with all Necessary text books, medical facility and classroom facility. The institute believes that computer knowledge is essential for every job in this globalization.
It provides future carrier guidance with different competitive exams by experts and placement cell assist to the students for their final interview. It also organizes general knowledge and other informative activities as well CMAT classes made for the students to enhance their skills and knowledge. The mission of institute is to create high profile professional matching global competencies.