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Sethu Institute of Technology Admission 2024: B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D, Cut Off, Fees, Eligibility

Kariapatti, Tamil Nadu
Private College

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Important Updates for Sethu Institute of Technology Madurai} }

Sethu Institute of Technology admission 2024 is ongoing for the BTech program through TNEA Counselling. TNEA 2023 Round 03 Choice Filling for BE/BTech admissions is open till August 24. TNEA Round 03 tentative allotment will be released on August 25, 2023. Candidates can check the allotment result through the official website @tneaonline.org. The last date to confirm the seat allotment for TNEA Round 03 is August 26 and the provisional allotment will be released on August 27, 2023.

Sethu Institute of technology popularly known as SIT is an autonomous institute in Tamil Nadu. It offers UG, and PG courses, and it also offers doctorate in five departments. B.E/B.Tech courses are offered in 11 specializations, while ME program offers 5 specializations. It also Offers Doctorate (PH.D) in five specializations.

Admission to UG programs is done on the basis of 10+2 marks and a counselling conducted by Anna university known as TNEA. Admission to PG programs is done through the entrance exam, TANCET.

  • For admission to B.TECH/B.E program, a candidate must produce a minimum score of 50%(general category) in HSC or any equivalent examination and the participate in TNEA counselling.
  • For admission to M.E programmes, a candidate must score a minimum of 50%(45% in case of reserved category) in bachelors and produce a valid score in TANCET (Tamil Nadu common entrance test).
  • For admission into PH.D programmes, candidates should have the required qualification in the order of studies 10th, HSC, UG/PG degree or it's equivalent.

Sethu institute of technology was established back in 1995. It is affiliated under Anna university, Tamil nadu. It is accredited by NBA under washington accord(Tier-l). The college is approved by the All India Council for technical education(AICTE) New Delhi. The college was awarded autonomous status in the year 2012 by UGC and it was confirmed by Anna university, Chennai.SIT is also accredited by MAC with an A grade. It is also rated as one of the top 30 engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu and also ranked third among the tamil nadu southern region engineering colleges.

Sethu Institute of Technology Admission Highlights 2023

Name of Institute Sethu Institute of Technology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Institute type Private Institute
Baic Eligibility B.Tech/B.E. - 10+2 passing certificate
ME: A graduate degree
PhD: Postgraduate degree
Basic Admission criteria B.Tech/B.E: TNEA counselling
PH.D: Merit - based
Application Mode Online
Scholarship Yes

Sethu Institute of Technology Important Dates

Event Dates
TANCET 2023 Exam (MCA/ M.Tech/ M.Plan/ M.Arch) February 25, 2023
TANCET 2023 Exam (MBA) February 26, 2023

Sethu Institute of Technology B.E/B.Tech Admission 2023

Sethu Institute of Technology offers undergraduate programs in Engineering and Technology. The major details of the course are as follows:

Name of the course B.E./B.Tech
Specializations 9
Eligibility 10+2 Marksheet
Selection Process TNEA Counselling

The specializations offered in B.E./B.Tech courses are:

  • Computer science & Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electronics & communication engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering

Sethu Institute of Technology B.E/B.Tech Eligibility

A candidate must have passed with the following minimum average marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

  • A candidate from the general category must have a minimum score of 50%.
  • The candidate with an OBC certificate must have a score of 45%.
  • Candidates from MBC/ DNC/ SC/ ST/ SCA at least have a minimum score of 40%.

Selection Process

The selection of the candidates is done on the basis of TNEA Counseling for undergraduate programs at Sethu Institute of Technology.

Sethu Institute of Technology M.E Admission 2023

The Sethu Institute of Technology offers postgraduate courses in Engineering. There are various specializations under this course. Details for the same are as follows:

Name of the course M.E
Specializations 5
Eligibility A graduate degree
Selection Process TANCET Scores

The specializations offered in ME program are:

  • Communication System
  • Computer Science
  • Power electronic devices
  • Structural

Sethu Institute of Technology M.E Eligibility

Candidates should hold a recognized bachelor degree or equivalent in the relevant field. The qualifying degree can be B.E/B.TECH/M.SC/MCA/BCA. Those who have Completed diploma and have AMIE qualification can also apply.

Candidates with degrees obtained through distance mode/ weekend courses can also apply.

How to Apply for Sethu Institute of Technology?

  • The application mode is online so candidates should visit the official website of Anna university and download the application form.
  • Candidates should click on TANCET/ TNEA and will be given a unique registration number and password.
  • Candidates are required to fill in the details.
  • The candidate has to attach a photograph and take the printout of application form later.
  • Send the hard copy along with the required documents and the demand draft.
  • The application fees must be paid either in cash or demand draft.

Required Documents

  • Attested copies of certificates pertaining to age.
  • Higher secondary certificate
  • Graduate certificates (for postgraduate courses)
  • Community certificates.
  • Passport size photographs


Ques. Are there any scholarships offered by Sethu Institute of Technology?

Ans. Yes, there are various scholarships and aids offered by the institute including, management Scholarships: The management offers 100% fees concession for students with 190 cut off and above. There are some other trust scholarships given by shree vijayalakshmi charitable trust, and Moulana azad education foundation scholarship, New Delhi.

Ques. What is the maximum package offered?

Ans. The average package for a B.TECH/ B.E graduate is INR 2,16,000 and for a post Graduate student is INR 1,40,000.

Ques. Does the college have a placement cell?

Ans. Yes, the institute has a placement cell which helps in student training. The job offers made in the year 2019-20 is 424.

Ques. Which departments offer PhD programs in Sethu Institute of Technology?

Ans. The PhD program is offered by the following departments:
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Department of Technical Engineering
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Department of Physics

BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech Admission Link

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