New Delhi: MCU has postponed the admission test date by one month. It is scheduled to take place on July 24. The postponement happened as trains are getting cancelled due to the protest against the centre’s Agniveer scheme.
Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and
Ms. Vandana Singh is the Dean of IAAN School Of Mass Communication, New Delhi. Before joining IAAN, she worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Journalism, University of Delhi. She has worked in many media organizations in various positions like the Hindustan Times group, Ananda Baza
MCU Bhopal Result 2023 has been released for December, 2022-January, 2023 Examinations. MCU, Bhopal results for all the UG, PG and Diploma courses and timetable for exams are available on the official website. To know more about the university click on MCU c