• This four-year program, delivered at the honours level, offers a clear pathway to many successful and exciting career opportunities in banking, insurance, investment management, and estate and financial planning. You will learn through a combination of active learning approaches, which include group work, major individual case analyses, multiple projects requiring industry engagement, and meetings with industry professionals outside of the college.
  • By the mid-point of this program, the faculty team ensures you will be ready to begin your preferred major – either in financial planning or property and casualty insurance. Whichever major you choose, you will encounter a blend of extensive technical analyses and opportunities to develop your professional ‘soft’ skills. You will apply and further refine your program-related skills and abilities through an 8-month, paid, full-time co-op work-term situated between third and fourth year.
  • The program curriculum is aligned with the body of knowledge and course requirements (in whole or in part) for a number of professional licenses. As a successful graduate of the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) – Financial Services degree program, you will meet the pre-requisite conditions to challenge professional examinations and/or receive advanced standing into the following licenses/designations:
    • Personal Financial Planner (PFP) granted by the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI)
    • Qualified Associate Financial Planner (QAFP) granted by Financial Planning Canada (FP Canada)
    • FP Canada’s Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
    • Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP)
    • Additional licenses for insurance and securities