• The professional Master of Architecture (MArch) is a rigorous and comprehensive program, preparing graduates for the full range of activities in architecture.
  • It provides a thorough base of knowledge in history, theory, technology, ecology, society, and professional practice, while developing skills in design through an intensive sequence of design studio courses.
  • The 3-year option within the MArch program is accredited by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board.
  • Graduates are eligible to begin the process of professional licensure to become an Architect in North America. The qualification is also transferable to many other countries and regions; students are advised to inquire with their local licensing body.
  • The course of study is a rigorous full-time, comprehensive program and prepares graduates for the full range of professional activities in architecture.
  • The core program is extensive, and students are required to use their electives to develop an area of special skill and knowledge through an independent study program that culminates in a design thesis.
  • Students study full-time, taking all required courses in each given session. An FZ (fail) in any one course, or a B– grade in two studio courses or in any three courses normally results in a recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies to terminate the student's registration in the degree program.
  • Progress in the program is dependent upon satisfactory completion of studio and required core courses in sequence.
  • Students must complete a total of 16.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) to graduate.