• Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Data Science is a 4-year program at the University of Ottawa.
  • This is an honors program that should be opted for with a Computer Science degree.
  • The Internship option is very helpful for the students.
  • This program is taught in English and French. So, students must opt for their language of Instruction.
  • This program teaches graduates how to use their creative and innovative talents to conceive, design, and implement software systems. 
  • Compulsory courses in this program are offered in English and French.
  • The honors curriculum comprises advanced topics in databases, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, security, distributed computing, and algorithm design, culminating in an honors project.
  • The international outlook explains the collaboration of international students, faculty, multicultural in a particular program. 
  • The International Outlook of this Program is 89.6%.
  • The student to teacher ratio is 12:1 which helps increase interaction between professors and students.
  • The Majority of the Classes have 20 Students which boosts Students Performance.
  • The salary of the graduates will be between 38,322 USD – 50,358 USD.
  • The employment rate of 2 years after graduation is 92.8%.
  • To apply for any scholarship a student must have at least 80% marks.
  • After completing this course, students will work as a:
    • Data scientist
    • Business intelligence analyst
    • Public policy development
    • Artificial intelligence