• University of New Brunswick (Fredericton) offers a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics for a duration of 4 years (8 terms).
  • It is an on-campus offered on both a full-time and part-time basis.
  • The Mathematics program on the Saint John campus is available as a major and minor option as part of a Bachelor of Science degree as well as part of a Bachelor of Arts degree.
  • This program develops student's skills in critical thinking and problem solving and prepares themself for a career as a data analyst, a teacher, or a research scientist. 
  • Students get the opportunity to complete some sample courses such as:
    • Calculus for Life Sciences
    • Networks and Graphs
    • Abstract Algebra
    • Topics in Mathematics - Cryptology
  • The size of UNB Saint John provides students with the opportunity to benefit from the small class sizes.
  • This program also provides a Certificate in Mathematics for Education program in which students require to complete 10 term courses in mathematics including the Education course Teaching Elementary School Mathematics.
  • Many students in the programs have the opportunity “earn while they learn” as a teaching assistant, or a tutor, or working with a faculty member on a summer research project.
  • The average salary of the program goes up to 45,000 USD.