• University of New Brunswick (Fredericton) offers a Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Civil Engineering for a duration of 4 years (8 terms).
  • It is an on-campus, co-op program offered on a full-time basis.
  • Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment.
  • Some sample courses that students can complete are:
    • Introduction to Engineering Design and Problem Solving
    • Construction Engineering
    • Structural Engineering
    • Structural Steel Design
  • UNB Engineering graduates have gone on to help design and build bridges, make cleaner fuels, and next-generation wireless communications tools.
  • Researchers at the faculty are developing technologies used by Google and NASA.
  • Students get hands-on learning facilities which include the Co-operative Education (Co-op) program.
  • For undergraduates, UNB Civil Engineering offers a comprehensive program through a variety of courses, labs, and extracurricular activities and groups.
  • With a large number of technical electives in the final year of the program, the students can specialize in a particular discipline within civil engineering or cover a broad range of topics for a more general degree.
  • The Department of Civil Engineering allows students to explore many areas of specialization within civil engineering:
    • Construction
    • Water and Environmental
    • Geotechnical
    • Materials
    • Structural
    • Transportation
  • Students get hands-on experience in specialized facilities such as our hydraulics, concrete mixing, and soil laboratories.
  • The average salary of the program goes up to 45,000 USD.