• Aimed at students interested in research, the UBC MSc in Business Administration is a challenging and rigorous program designed to prepare students for a PhD program and a subsequent career in academia.

  • As an MSc students, they will not only become part of a rich and stimulating academic community with a strong research emphasis, but they will also enjoy the opportunity to work with the best research faculty in Canada.

  • The Sauder School of Business is considered the top research business school in Canada and a leading academic institution. Sauder is the leading recipient of research grants from Canada's major federal agencies and outperforms other Canadian business schools in both research publications and citations.
  • In 2012, the Financial Times rankings put Sauder among its top 20 in the world for research impact and the Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) rated the Sauder School of Business as 17th in the world for business and management research among schools outside of the United States.
  • Sauder faculty members hold editorial positions at major journals in their fields and their work is recognized internationally. The Sauder School of Business at UBC is home to excellent teaching, an active research community and a strong collaborative culture.