• Atmospheric scientists use principles of classical physics to study, explain and predict atmospheric behavior on scales ranging from turbulent eddies through storm clouds to earth’s global circulation.  We are motivated by weather-related big societal issues including climate change, air quality, and renewable energy.
  • Important tools include big data (statistics, machine learning, scientific programming), geographic information systems, and remote sensing.  Our methods include lab experiments, field experiments, numerical weather prediction, and climate simulation.
  • We support our grad students with government grants for pure research, industry contracts for tailored meteorological applications, and teaching assistantships.
  • The UBC atmospheric science (ATSC) program is interdisciplinary, with professors in the departments of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science; Geography; Chemistry; Mathematics; Soil Science; and Mechanical Engineering.  Internationally recognized textbooks written by ATSC professors over the past four decades span topics from the atmospheric boundary layer and urban climates to practical meteorology.