• The study of computing ranges from hands-on applications to pure theory and includes the analysis of algorithms, the study of computer architectures, compilers and operating systems, networks, and software engineering.
  • Introductory computer science courses offer an overview of programming skills, the use and application of popular software, and the essentials of computing.
  • More advanced courses deal with topics ranging from artificial intelligence and the role of computers in society to the design and implementation of advanced hardware or software systems.
  • The Mount Allison computer science program as a whole is designed to combine theoretical and practical computer science with a deeper study of specialized areas, such as -theory of computation, cryptography, artificial intelligence, databases, computer graphics, networks, software and hardware design, etc.
  • All courses in the computing curriculum offer a blend of theory and practical application, with many of the offerings having a significant project component in which students are given the opportunity to apply the classroom material to real-world problems.
  • As a Bachelor of Science student with a major in Computer Science, you'll combine your computer science courses with courses in chemistry, physics, and other science courses.